What you should know about the Temporary Protection Statute announced by President Duque


Some two million Venezuelan migrants will be able to benefit from the Temporary Protection Statute announced by Colombian President Iván Duque.  Photo Colprensa.
Some two million Venezuelan migrants will be able to benefit from the Temporary Protection Statute announced by Colombian President Iván Duque. Photo Colprensa.

The president of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, reported this Monday the creation of a Temporary Protection Statute for migrants, which could benefit more than two million Venezuelans. The announcement was made after a meeting between the Colombian president and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi.

The new Statute of Temporary Protection will be valid for 10 years and will allow Venezuelan migrants who avail themselves of this benefit to remain regularly in Colombia, after that time, if they wish to stay in the country, they must apply for a resident visa.

Colombian President Iván Duque announced the implementation of a Temporary Protection Statute for Venezuelan migrants, after meeting with the UN High Commissioner for Migrants, Filippo Grandi.  Photo courtesy of the Presidency of the Republic.
Colombian President Iván Duque announced the implementation of a Temporary Protection Statute for Venezuelan migrants, after meeting with the UN High Commissioner for Migrants, Filippo Grandi. Photo courtesy of the Presidency of the Republic.

Who can benefit from the EPT?

Those Venezuelan migrants who are in Colombia on a regular basis, because they obtained an entry and stay permit, made an extension of stay, or processed a special stay permit (PEP).

Also included in this Temporary Protection Statute are Venezuelan migrants who have requested refuge or those who are processing a visa before the Foreign Ministry.

Likewise, Venezuelan migrants in an irregular condition who demonstrate that they were in Colombia before January 31, 2021 or those who regularly enter the country during the first two years of validity of the statute may benefit from the EPT.

The implementation of the EPT, which will begin 90 days after the publication of the decree that gives it legal life, will be in charge of Migración Colombia and will be carried out in two stages: the first will be virtual, and consists of the registration of foreigners in the Registry Unique for Venezuelan Migrants, a mechanism that will allow the national government to characterize and identify the Venezuelan population living in Colombia.

The second phase, which will be done in person, will be the processing of a Personal Protection Permit, a regularization and identification document for Venezuelan citizens who avail themselves of the statute.

Migración Colombia will be the entity in charge of implementing the Temporary Protection Statute for Venezuelan migrants announced by the President of Colombia Iván Duque.  Photo Colprensa.
Migración Colombia will be the entity in charge of implementing the Temporary Protection Statute for Venezuelan migrants announced by the President of Colombia Iván Duque. Photo Colprensa.

Obligations of the migrant

Include your information in the Unique Registry of Venezuelan Migrants

All migrants who are regularly in Colombian territory must make the transition from the PEP to the Permit for temporary protection, for unification and control.

Those Venezuelan migrants who include their information in the registry and, finally, do not request permission may be sanctioned.

Prior to the expiration of the EPT, the Venezuelan migrant who wishes to remain in Colombia must process and obtain a visa.

The Venezuelan migrant who, as of the expiration date of the EPT, has not regularized their immigration status, will incur irregular permanence and may be deported.

Why is it important for Colombia to regularize Venezuelan migrants?

The massive arrival of Venezuelans to Colombia in an irregular condition generates a displacement of the labor supply, which implies a reduction in wages and a decrease in the employment of native workers.

The irregularity implies an impact on the contributions of migrants to the economy (remittances, tax contributions, parafiscal contributions, etc.)

Not knowing who is in the national territory represents a risk in terms of security and prevents the generation of public policies aimed at the integration and assimilation of migrants

Not regularizing makes it difficult to identify and prosecute migrants.

All Venezuelan migrants who avail themselves of the Temporary Protection Statute may freely develop any legal activity in Colombian territory.  Photo Colprensa.
All Venezuelan migrants who avail themselves of the Temporary Protection Statute may freely develop any legal activity in Colombian territory. Photo Colprensa.

Advantages for migrants

It allows protecting the migrant population that is currently in irregular conditions.

It grants a regular migratory status and authorizes the migrant to carry out any legal activity or occupation in the country, including the possibility of obtaining a relationship or employment contract.

The migrant may have access to the public and private institutional offer, and will have the possibility of becoming an active member of society on equal terms.

It gives the migrant the possibility of generating, by himself, the conditions required for a decent life.

At the end of the EPT period, the migrant may apply for a visa to remain in the country.

Keep reading:

Duque announces a Temporary Protection Statute for Venezuelan migrants
