What is known about the five vehicles of the Mayor’s Office that stole in Neomundo de Bucaramanga


In August 2020, a former official authorized the departure of five cars, models 92, 93, 95 and 96, which had been stored for seven years in the parking lots of the Bucaramanga Convention Center, Neomundo.

This was denounced by the administrative secretary of Bucaramanga, César Castellanos, who also said that a criminal complaint has already been filed for the disappearance of the vehicles.

“These vehicles were not operational and can be disposed of as scrap metal. They were left in the Neomundo warehouse to evacuate spaces of the automobile park in the Mayor’s Office. The idea is that they guarded the vehicles, ”said Castellanos.

At the end of February, when the inventory was reviewed, officials from the Mayor’s Office noticed that the cars were no longer in the parking lots.

By means of an official letter, the Mayor’s Office asked the Convention Center to indicate who authorized the departure of the vehicles, which Mayor’s Office personnel went to remove them and when it happened. “What they tell us about Neomundo is that they have no knowledge if someone from the Mayor’s Office went to remove the cars, but that the person who authorized it had a position of logistics supervisor. The truth is that at the date of the event he had not been hired. Apparently, the people who collected the vehicles posed as Mayor’s Office personnel, ”said the official.

The doubts

Castellanos explained to Vanguardia that what happened in Neomundo is very strange since the vehicles could not be started, that is, they did not work. To get the cars out of the parking lot, the secretary explained, they had to use a crane that made the trip five times.

“The vehicles were to be disposed of for scrap. It generates suspicion that a person who does not work with Neomundo can make such decisions. The date we have for the departure of the cars was August 5, 2020, but we do not know how they know that it was that former official who authorized it, nor why does it seem suspicious to anyone that cranes arrive that are not officials of the mayor’s office. There are also no video surveillance cameras, ”reported the head of the administrative portfolio.

Due to the doubts left by the responses from the Convention Center, Castellanos explained that the mayor’s office filed the criminal complaint so that the matter be thoroughly investigated.

What does the surveillance company say?

According to Fabián Gómez Cano, general manager of Acropolis, the company in charge of Neomundo’s security, “apparently they are old vehicles that the Mayor’s Office had there for a long time, there is no inventory of that, nor a deposit, that is, it is not known whether they arrived or not, but neither we nor the manager have custody of those vehicles.

“They are now ghost vehicles, on behalf of the municipality, the Mayor’s Office is now saying that it sent them to Neomundo, but it is not known if it went there or not because they never gave us, neither the manager nor anyone else.”

Gómez Cano assured that on the date the vehicles were removed, the official was active, contrary to the statement by the administrative secretary.

“On August 5, 2020, the official was active. They removed him two or three months later ”, emphasized the manager.

Another robbery

In December 2020, a similar scandal broke out due to the disappearance of at least 9 motorcycles that were immobilized in the patios of the Bucaramanga Transit Directorate, DTB. The thefts apparently occurred in April during the confinement, but came to light after the complaint of two affected and a deputy.
