What is behind the seven dead dogs in the north of Bogotá?


Despite the first complaints that pointed to a street inhabitant as guilty, the Institute for Animal Protection indicated that the bodies show no signs of torture and that the authorities are looking for the man who disappeared several days ago.

A complaint on social networks caused great outrage, as it was reported that on the mountain, near the Major Seminary, in the north of Bogotá, private security guards found at least seven dead, dismembered dogs, some hanging from trees and rotting in the air free, near the hut of a street dweller who is recognized in the area for walking with several of the animals.

At first, Acacio, the street dweller, was accused of the death of death, because for seven years, neighbors denounced that the man would come down from the mountain with the healthiest dogs to ask for money and food, but that in Around his hut, animals in poor condition were found, as well as the bodies of some canines.

But as reported by the District Institute for Animal Protection and Welfare (Idpyba), on January 28 they carried out an inspection with the Police due to the complaints that Acacio has not appeared for about a month. In addition, they reviewed the bodies of the dead animals and assured that they were decomposing, but there were no signs of abuse.

“According to the information available and the investigation at this time, this scenario does not respond to rituals of any kind, or to apparent torture. As was also reported by other citizens, when a pet belonging to this citizen died, he used to pack and protect the corpses with different materials and place them on top of the trees to prevent the other animals from digging up the body “, argued the Idpyba.

In turn, the director of the Protection Institute, Adriana Estrada, assured this medium that in coordination with the Police they have carried out several operations looking for Acacio, who they know was walking with other dogs. “At dawn this Sunday, we made another visit to verify the conditions of the dogs that live in the place and we were able to see two of them in very feral conditions. We are organizing, for next week, a new intersectoral operation to collect and capture the dogs that are in this area of ​​the city ”.

Acacio’s case is one of loves and hates, because just as there are those who reproach his behavior and ask the District for answers for the accompaniment in this case, there are others who praise his work to protect the animals he walks with. For now, the authorities are concentrating the search on the street dweller.
