What happened to Michelle Amaya? The missing minor in Bogotá – Bogotá


The authorities are waiting for the evidence to establish whether a body found in the San Bernardo neighborhood, in the center of Bogotá, corresponds to Linda Michelle Amaya Buelvas, the 15-year-old minor who disappeared on November 30 in the center of the capital.

Although her mother, Nathalie Amaya, was in Legal Medicine on December 31 and assured that the body corresponds to that of the minor, there are still processes in Legal Medicine that indicate, definitively, that it is Michelle.

(You may be interested in: They investigate if the body found corresponds to a missing minor)

This body, as confirmed by General Óscar Gómez Heredia, commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police, had been found on December 1 and, from that date, remained in Legal Medicine as an NN: it was only known that she was a woman and that he had no documents. Only a DNA test will allow you to know, definitely, if it is Michelle. If it were, as his relatives maintain, that would be the fatal closure of the case. However, many questions remain: What happened to Michelle Amaya between November 30 and December 1? Why did her family only find her body until December 31? And what information do cameras in the sector provide?

A month of anguish

Michelle has been desperately searched for by her family since day one. Her face has appeared time and again in different media along with her mother’s voice, increasingly broken by fear: the teenager had a mild cognitive disability, something that made her even more vulnerable. When Nathalie Amaya spoke for City TV, she explained that the minor had left her home by bicycle, in Prado Veraniego, north of Bogotá. He was going to the Jiménez station to look for a cell phone that had been stolen from him on December 17. I never go home.

“I go to Legal Medicine and they receive the complaint on December 4. However, he asked if there were any bodies with the very detailed features that he had given in the interview. And they tell me no, that there was only one body of an adult, between 19 and 23 years old“Amaya told City TV yesterday. “That night I start looking for her in the San Bernardo neighborhood. We thought he had gone to the track in Tercer Milenio park. She liked to go there, ”he said.

(Multimedia special: #NoEsHoraDeCallar, femicide)

The police maintained this Friday that the disappearance complaint was filed on December 5 and that, then, the investigation was opened: “From that moment, with the group of the Disappeared from the section, the investigation was opened and we have been making progress.”

But another is the voice of his mother: “We request the change of the investigator in charge. I only reported what I did ”. He notes that on December 16 he returned to Forensic Medicine, they answered that there was no body.

“It’s exhausting knowing that I’m fighting this alone,” she said in mid-December on City TV. Among the multiple notes that circulated at the district and national level, Nathalie was seen touring the downtown neighborhoods, putting up posters and asking, store by store, for her daughter. The family maintains that they did not have access to security cameras in the area.

On December 30, he even held a sit-in in the Journalists’ park, with huge banners, asking for help: “Christmas passed and my girl was not there. The year is ending and my girl is not here ”, he said through tears.

A day later, a new chapter was opened in the case. “This Thursday they take an interview again. They take a sample from me to make a genetic comparison with the body they have there. I ask that you let me see it. I know from her features that she is my daughter: she has a scar on her forehead, her eyes, her eyebrows, her teeth … ”, says Amaya. Her voice breaks, but she recovers to say: “My daughter was murdered. This is not a murder for a bicycle, it is a femicide and we do not want it to go unpunished ”.

(Further: The story behind the tragic death of Daniela Patiño in Medellín)

The truth, however, is that only until the test results are issued can it be officially determined that the body in Forensic Medicine is Michelle’s. This was indicated yesterday by the commander of Mebog: “We cannot officially determine whether or not it corresponds, Legal Medicine will give the concept once the tests are done.” The authorities maintained “that they would spare no effort” in advancing with the investigation and that, in addition, at the moment, they are providing support to the family. A Sijín team carries out investigations with the support of the Life Unit of the Prosecutor’s Office.

Meanwhile, the Amayas ask for “dignity” for the case.

“The least it deserves is to know how it happened. We request to clarify the situation. This is hell, dying alive: we were waiting for her. We ask for a competent person to reach the last instances ”.

* Note made with the support of Sergio Grandas.
