What do the children of Uribe and other Colombian politicians do?


The most important politicians in the country monopolize all the eyes of public opinion and their familiar surroundings are hardly known.

Here is a compilation of the occupations that the children of several of the most influential politicians in the national situation have: Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Juan Manuel Santos, Gustavo Petro, Sergio Fajardo and Germán Vargas Lleras.

Children of Álvaro Uribe


Tomás and Jerónimo are the children of former President Álvaro Uribe, who are now 39 years old. In recent months, Tomás made headlines in the media because there was much speculation about the possibility that he would run for political office in 2022, but he himself confirmed that he does not want to get involved in electoral politics.

The heirs of the leader of the Democratic Center have been involved in the real estate world for the past decade. According to El Tiempo, “both are founders of Jaguar Capital, a real estate company through which they have shopping centers and have done up to four large projects in various cities around the country.”

Tomás is married to former model Isabel Sofía Cabrales, with whom he has two children. For his part, Jerónimo married Shadia Farah, a woman with whom he has two children, in April this year.

Children of Juan Manuel Santos


Former President Juan Manuel Santos had three children with his wife María Clemencia Rodríguez: Martín, María Antonia and Esteban.

Martín Santos works as director of a solutions architect firm called Metódica Consulting. María Antonia is the project director of the Compaz Foundation, which the former president created, and is also the mother of two children who are the product of her marriage to businessman Sebastián Pinzón.

Esteban Santos, the youngest of the family, is the director of New Energies at Terpel, El Tiempo said. He is currently the boyfriend of former queen Gabriela Tafur.

Children of Gustavo Petro

Senator Gustavo Petro has six children, who are from three different marriages. The first is Nicolás Petro, who followed in his footsteps and has participated in politics for some years. The eldest of the sons of the former mayor of Bogotá wanted to be governor of Atlántico, he was second in last year’s elections and that is why he earned a seat as a deputy of the Assembly of that department.

Andres and Andrea were born from Petro’s second marriage. She is an economist and specialist in International Trade.

From the current marriage of the leader of the so-called Colombia Humana there are three children: Nicolás, Sofía (17 years old) and Antonella (9 years old).

Children of Sergio Fajardo

Screenshot - YouTube (CanalCapitalBogotá)
Screenshot – YouTube (CanalCapitalBogotá)
Screenshot - YouTube (Sergio Fajardo)
Screenshot – YouTube (Sergio Fajardo)

Sergio Fajardo has two children: Alejandro and Mariana. Both decided to be activists and be part of the political movement led by their father (Citizen Commitment), but they also have a vast academic background.

Alejandro Fajardo is 34 years old and graduated as a biologist and mathematician from the Universidad de Los Andes. Besides that he has two master’s degrees: one in Public Administration and International Development, which he attended Harvard, and the other in Political Science, which he attended Yale University.

For her part, Mariana Fajardo is a biologist, teacher, independent consultant and was the programmatic coordinator of her father’s presidential campaign in 2018.

Daughter of Germán Vargas Lleras

Clemencia Vargas is the only daughter of former Vice President Germán Vargas Lleras. She is a professional dancer, leads the Vive Bailando academy and also works as a Social Entrepreneur.

Here is a profile that Noticias Caracol made on Clemencia during the presidential campaign two years ago:
