What cities and regions have the most coronavirus in Colombia?


In the Government’s ‘Prevention and action’ programLuis Alexánder Moscoso, vice minister of Health, assured that the regions located in the low growth group have had an increase in COVID-19 cases of less than 10%; those with moderate growth have an increase between 20 and 50%, while those with high growth have increased contagion by more than 50%.

Moscoso said that most of the country has a low growth of coronavirus cases, but assured that there is a special concern for Bogotá, which is the city with the highest increase in COVID-19, in this second peak of the pandemic.

Regions with high growth of coronavirus

According to the Ministry of Health, the cities and departments where infections have increased the most are:

  • Bogota
  • Barranquilla
  • Cartagena
  • Atlantic
  • North of Santander
  • Cauca’s Valley
  • Narino

Regions with moderate coronavirus growth

The places where the spread is controlled, according to the Vice Minister of Health are:

  • Tolima
  • Santa Marta
  • Antioquia
  • Risaralda

Regions with low coronavirus growth

In this group is most of the country, and places such as:

  • Amazon
  • Saint Andrew
  • Arauca
  • Bolivar
  • Boyacá
  • Caldas
  • Caquetá
  • Casanare
  • Cauca
  • cease
  • Collided
  • Cordova
  • Guainia
  • Guaviare
  • Huila
  • La Guajira
  • Magdalena
  • Goal
  • Putumayo
  • Quindio
  • Santander
  • Sugar
  • Vaupes
  • Vichada

In this video you can see the pronouncement of the Ministry of Health:

Until this Monday, it was recorded that Colombia reached in total 1,603,807 confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 1,469,041 people defeated the virus and 42,374 died. The country reached December 28 with 88,095 active cases.
