What can be done in shopping centers in the new normal – Sectors – Economy


In the new stage of selective isolation due to the coronavirus, shopping centers have a special chapter in terms of the care that people must maintain, given their large influx of public on some days of the week and at times of greater commercial activity.

There are few general rules for these, and first of all, what should prevail is personal care and prudence to face the current moment of the pandemic. However, these are some points that you should consider, according to decree 193 of 2020 of the District Mayor’s Office.

(Also read: How will shopping centers work in Bogotá now?)

Essential services

The essential services that operate inside the shopping centers are allowed to open from Monday to Sunday. This includes: sourcing and purchasing food, pharmaceuticals, health and basic necessities. The general schedule for these services is, maximum, from 5:00 am to 8:00 pm, for one person per household.

These also include administrative services or public and private health professionals; institutional or home care for the elderly and those under 18 years of age –among other more vulnerable people–; banks and banking, postal and money order operators; libraries and museums; artistic and creative activities that do not generate crowds.

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Non-essential services

Establishments that provide non-essential services will only be open from Wednesday to Sunday. They are considered non-essential activities those of retail trade and contact services with the public, such as restaurants, laundries, hairdressers, hardware stores, stationery stores. The shops at least in the Sanandresitos are included here.

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General protocols

The food courts will be open, but it is the responsibility of the administration of each shopping center guarantee the distance of at least two meters between the tables.

Likewise, entry control, disinfection protocols and other basic measures must be up to date. In any case, it is recommended that you visit the website and social networks of the shopping center you plan to visit to find out if they have specific protocols.

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Big surfaces

Large surfaces – some of these within shopping centers – can function in their entirety, provided that 50% of your area or your offer is considered essential.

Peak and cedula

The malls They do not have a peak and ID restriction for their entry. However, this does not mean that establishments do not have it. In other words, you can enter a shopping center any day, but if you need to go to a bank, a pharmacy or a clothing store, they must do control of the bill and ID.

However, the District decree is clear that the entry of people and vehicles should only be to go directly to commercial establishments.

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