What can and cannot be done in the new phase of economic reactivation in Bogotá – Bogotá


The mayor Claudia López explained this Monday the changes and the new measures that will govern from this September 22 in the city. This after the low rates of occupancy of ICU beds, infections and deaths from covid-19 in Bogotá.

The president explained that these decisions are part of the “new reality” that aims to reactivate the economy taking care of the health of citizens.
He warned, as he has done repeatedly, that the operation of this stage depends on the responsibility of companies and the compliance of citizens. And he said that an outbreak of contagion is “inevitable” and that when it occurs, the District will take the necessary measures to contain it.

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For now, the city will continue under the epidemiological quota model to control the number of people who take to the streets simultaneously.

However, there will be entry shifts for workers, this with the aim of controlling the capacity in the public transport system. López stressed that companies should ensure, as far as possible, that staff use alternative means of transportation.

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In addition, there were new openings. Churches, gyms, billiards and cinemas will be able to operate again complying with all the biosecurity protocols established by the authorities.

EL TIEMPO explains how the city will function as of this Tuesday and what are the restrictions that remain in force. Do not forget that the use of a mask and social distancing are mandatory.

Shifts for trade

These sectors will have entry hours, but they will be able to work every day:

Retail trade of non-essential goods and services You will have to establish entry shifts after 10 in the morning.

Non-essential goods manufacturing sector You will have the entry between 10 am and 5 am

Construction in non-residential areas. The entry shift will have to be after 10 am

Construction in residential areas. His working hours will be from 10 am to 7 pm

Educational establishments They will have partial presence, as determined by the Secretary of Education.

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Other openings

The District also authorized the opening of other sectors. Gyms in enclosed spaces will be able to operate again. Gambling businesses, movie theaters, billiards, and churches will be able to do that too.

In all cases, they will have to comply with biosecurity measures and adapt the spaces so that clients and visitors keep social distance and have disinfection areas or zones; everything must be properly signposted and will be monitored by the city’s health authorities.

The restriction of ‘pico y cédula’ ends

The restriction of ‘pico y cédula’ that worked to control entry to banking and commercial establishments will remain in effect. You can enter any day, but you will have to comply with all the biosecurity measures in businesses, transport and public space.

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Special zones for informal commerce

All areas of agglomeration due to informal trade will have special management. The District, through Ipes, will be in charge of controlling these places, there will be closings and they will have openings by alternating schedules.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages

The sale of alcoholic beverages will continue to be restricted from 9 p.m. to 10 a.m. every day. The only establishments authorized for sale are open-air restaurants, but only to accompany the dishes. Consumption can be done in private spaces.

What is not allowed

All places that represent crowds and poor ventilation are still without operating permission. Bars, discos, dance venues and the like will remain closed in this phase of the ‘new reality’.

For now, concerts and massive events will not be allowed indoors either.

Self-care measures follow

The District emphasized that the pandemic is not over. All self-care measures remain in effect. The use of face masks is mandatory, the minimum social distance of one meter between each person is vital and the permanent washing or disinfection of hands and surfaces helps mitigate the risk of contagion.

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Capacity control ends in TransMilenio

The public transport system, which had been operating with a capacity limit, will be able to operate at 100% of its capacity. The standard that continues to apply is that all biosecurity measures must be met within the system. The capacity control will be done with the alternation in the entry hours of each economic activity. Peak hours will be controlled.

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This is how chain stores will work

Large supermarkets, such as chain stores, will not have time restrictions, as long as 50% of their supply is essential goods. If they do not comply with this percentage, they will only be able to operate from 10 am And within the facilities they must ensure that all people maintain social distance.

Telecommuting and work at home

All companies in the city will have to prioritize these mechanisms for personnel who are not essential in the face-to-face model. In all cases they must take special measures for workers who have been diagnosed with obesity, hypertension or diabetes, or those who are over sixty years of age.

Mayor’s Office and the EPS agree on a health care model

In the framework of the new phase of the pandemic, the Mayor’s Office and the EPS signed a framework agreement to ensure that Bogotá’s health model is innovative, equitable and efficient.

Thus, attention to contain the covid-19 virus will work under six strategic lines. The first is ‘Detect-isolate-report’. This is a scheme for patients who present symptoms, they will have to voluntarily isolate themselves and report their health status through line 123, CoronApp or EPS, so that the District and the authorities begin the follow-up.

The second strategy is home care, which will work in conjunction with line 123 and the EPS call center.

There will also be centralized management of the ICU. The goal is to ensure that all people in the city have access to highly complex health services without any barrier.

The fourth point is the ‘Comprehensive management of people with chronic conditions’, which will be done through points of care throughout the city to mitigate the risk of complications.

The framework also contemplates the intensification and improvement of the maternal and perinatal health service, and an increase in coverage for the vaccination service.

Compensar, Sanitas, Famisanar, Nueva EPS, Aliansalud, SOS and Capital Salud were the companies that signed the framework with the District.

Although this model will work to continue attending the pandemic, the idea is that it continues to operate to ensure that health in the country’s capital is a right for everyone.

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