What are the laws to combat the covid-19 pandemic in Colombia – Congress – Politics


At least four bills that would come into force in the coming weeks have been part of the response of Congress and the National Government to address the impact of the pandemic in the country.

Norms such as the one that regulates some aspects of the vaccination process or the one that brings benefits for hoteliers and owners of bars and restaurants are among those that serve the sectors economically affected by this crisis.

The idea is also that several benefits that had been implemented by decrees for some months are extended for one or two more years and have legal force. These are some of those initiatives and their main contents.

Reactivation of tourism

The tourism law is only pending conciliation by the Senate and the Chamber to pass to presidential sanction, which would happen in the coming days.

(It may interest you: The reliefs raised by the bill for the tourism sector)

Among its main aspects are, according to its speakers, the VAT exemption for hotel and tourism services throughout 2021. This means that travelers would not have to pay the 19 percent tax on their stays.

Nor will the consumption tax be charged in restaurants and bars for the whole of next year, which would benefit some 150,000 commercial establishments of this nature. And the other benefit would be the reduction of VAT for air tickets from 19 to 5 percent for the next two years, that is, in 2021 and 2022.

Entrepreneurship Law

In this bill, which is ready for its last debate, several conditions that affected the creation of companies would be eliminated, such as, for example, the contributions required by organizations such as Invima, with some exceptions.

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According to some speakers of the initiative, within what has been approved so far is that The State, through Innpulsa, would have about 15 billion pesos to support entrepreneurship projects.

This process would be handled by Innpulsa and would allow entrepreneurs to present business ideas and access the necessary resources to develop their projects and contribute to the economic reactivation.

Rules for vaccination

One of the main rules is the one that regulates some aspects of vaccination in Colombia, which began a few days ago in the United Kingdom.

Within what was approved, which is only awaiting the sanction of President Iván Duque, is the reduction of fifty percent of the income tax for companies that contribute resources for the development of this process, according to the amount contributed.

Margaret Keenan, first vaccinated against covid-19 in the United Kingdom

Margaret Keenan, the first patient in the world to receive the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine against the coronavirus.

Additionally, what was announced by President Duque a few weeks ago is reinforced, and that is This immunization will be free for all Colombians and the conditions for the State to access vaccines are made more flexible.

Field support

Among the many sectors hit by the economic crisis as a result of the pandemic are farmers, who have suffered from fluctuations in international prices and the high cost of the dollar, problems on which the covid has had an influence.

(Also read: The four ‘Christmas gifts’ that Uribe raised for 2021)

For them there is an initiative that is fulfilling its final debates and that stipulates the realization of “portfolio recovery and consolidation agreements” in farmers’ credits with state financial entities such as Banco Agrario and Finagro.

These agreements, as proposed by the initiative, would include loans that were in default before June 30 and would include forgiveness of current interest and arrears, among other benefits.

Too the ‘Program for the relief of financial obligations granted under Finagro conditions by financial intermediaries’, which would be regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, author of the bill, once it is sanctioned and enters into force.

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