Visa and Mastercard no longer go with Pornhub


After The New York Times denounced the existence of child pornography and videos uploaded without the consent of those who appear there, Visa and Mastercard announced that they will no longer provide their payment services to the world-renowned adult entertainment website PornHub.

This was confirmed by the Business Insider portal, which collected the arguments of one of Mastercard’s spokespersons in this case.

“Today, the use of our credit cards on PornHub has come to an end. The investigation we have carried out in recent days has ended up confirming a violation of our principles on illegal content ”, he stated.

And it is that Nicholas Kristof’s column published in The New York Times describes cases such as that of a minor under 15 years old who, after having disappeared in Florida, was found by her mother in at least 58 videos published on PornHub.

“As a consequence, and in accordance with our policies, we instruct our financial entities that connect the website to our network to terminate the relationship. In addition, we continue to investigate potential illegal content on other websites to take action, “he added.

Visa took the same path and has already begun its process of suspending payment services.

“Given the allegations of illegal activity, Visa suspends PornHub’s acceptance privileges pending completion of our ongoing investigation,” said one of the spokespersons.

With such determinations, PornHub will not have the possibility to charge for its special content, as it has done to date.

The virtual porn giant, with headquarters in Canada and Luxembourg, told AFP that “Does not tolerate” content that includes minors and that works to eradicate illegal material.
