Virtual education: Master for less than $ 50,000 – Education – Life


The economic factor is one of the main reasons why many people do not dare to pursue a graduate degree. With semesters often more expensive than an undergrad, studying for a master’s degree is the frustrated dream of many.

And with the current health emergency. and its strong impact on the economy of Colombian families, it not only happens that there are those who do not enter these programs but also those who have to abandon their studies.

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But what would you say if you had the possibility of taking a master’s degree for less than 50,000 Colombian pesos? This is now possible thanks to a program launched by the expert education firm Learning by Helping in conjunction with the Playground platform.

It is a Master in Social Innovation, whose curricular component aims to provide students with all the necessary tools to design and implement projects of any kind intended to be an active part of social change.

According to the promoters of the initiative, given the impact of the pandemic, it is necessary to train professionals who can address the different challenges facing society.

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Likewise, the purpose, they point out from PlayGround and Learning by Helping, is to generate an inclusion component by providing “specialized and quality education to anyone who needs it.”

What is the Master’s Degree?

The academic program is Social Innovation, a concept that, according to the Stanford Graduate School of Business, consists of the “new solution to a social problem which is more effective, efficient, sustainable or fair than the current solution.”

That is, the idea of ​​the program is to train students to develop skills and design creative ideas and projects that address a social problem.

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Its price is € 10, that is, a little more than $ 44,000 Colombian pesos, which makes it an attractive option to continue academic training.

In addition, it can be done virtually and will last nine months, which is less than what a master’s degree normally takes.

“This Master is not attractive because of its price, but simply because nothing similar currently exists at a qualitative level. The accompaniment of the student, the validated methodology and the invited professors make it a unique experience to get closer to the reality of social impact in a practical and affordable way ”, the promoters of the initiative maintain.

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“The idea that inspires this Master is to put at the service of anyone interested in changing the world, a methodology that works and that will help him see his work in a different way,” confirms Fernando Solá, one of the academic directors of the Master.

During the nine months, the program will go through a training itinerary that has different phases: exploration of the problem, information processing, generation of solutions, prototyping, testing and presentation to the social ecosystem. All to generate impact projects with a studied economic viability behind, which will produce a first edition of agents of change distributed throughout all the Spanish-speaking countries of the world.

How to register?

The maximum registration period will be this Tuesday, November 24 and classes are expected to start on November 25 of this month.

The registration process can be done at the following link.


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