Virgo – Saturday, April 25, 2020: a weekend with a happy ending | Virgo horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon is in transit by the sign of Gemini in the vibration of six, which indicates love, family, home. The retrograde movement of the planetoid Pluto is initiated by the sign of Capricorn, the other planets follow directly. Your ruler, the planet Mercury transits Aries.

A friendship that you have not seen for a long time, resurfaces in your life with a news from someone that interests you very much, and will leave you with your mouth open in surprise.

Everything is going well in your love life, but it is time to move energies, do something different, think of an activity that pleases and transmits vitality to your relationship.

Tedium is not a good advisor and now you should attend more to your current partner, if you are engaged.

In this present astrological cycle you will receive unexpected income and it is time to invest it in your future. Set aside additional money for eventualities.

The noblest signs of the zodiac


Your loving responses can be very intense and the flow of your emotions could cause unease in the people you love. Watch your words and avoid hurting your partner with an abrupt or too sharp response on your part.

If you have been experiencing any circulation, bone or muscle tension problems, your health outlook turns in your favor. In this planetary cycle there is good news for you as this second quarter of the year progresses.

Your work efforts yield more results than other times and you will feel satisfied at the end of the day. However, your work requires more technical preparation and much updating, it is time to catch up on that.

The spread of three cards in the tarot


Money and fortune
You may need to make an extra investment to increase your income in a short time. You may think it is a waste of money, but soon you will see how it will bring you prosperity and money, and solve your problems.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Saturday: intermediate.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: a dream or premonition that puts you on the right path of love.
Today’s dangerous trend in your Virgo sign: dismissing your intuitions, not paying attention to your hunches.
What should I avoid ?: Critical attitudes that keep good friends away from me.

Quote of the day: before spreading a rumor ask yourself: “is it true?” and thus you will avoid being part of a lie.

Couple prediction for today saturday
The best relationship of today: this Saturday you are in a very good astral tone with Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, as well as with Cancer and Scorpio.
The most tense relationship: You tend to be somewhat unstable in your relationships with Leo and Aquarius.
Your current compatibility: very good with signs of water, Cancer and Pisces above all and also with telluric such as Virgo and Taurus.
If you are single or single: you will come into contact with a person who you knew nothing about long ago.

The call of Santa Muerte
