Virgil Carballo, one of the best internists in Colombia, dies | THE UNIVERSAL


The health branch of Cartagena and Colombia is in mourning for the death of Dr. Virgil Carballo Zárate, considered an eminence of medicine in the city and who had been a key element in the fight against COVID-19. Unfortunately, this same disease would have cost him his life.

The news was known early this Monday and one of the first to comment on the matter was also the doctor Rubén Sabogal, president of the Mesa por la Salud de Cartagena y Bolívar, who lamented the death of his colleague, “victim of the pandemic that is currently affecting humanity ”.

“It is very unfortunate. We send a greeting of condolences to his entire family and to the entire medical corps of Cartagena and Bolívar, ”he said.

And he added: “One more victim, the first Cartagena doctor to die under these circumstances, he will not be the last, hopefully they will not fall more. Another victim that we offer in the active exercise of our profession for the well-being of the entire Bolivarian, Cartagena and Colombian community. It is very painful sad news ”.

Dr. Sabogal made a call to duplicate efforts, because “there is necessarily going to be a regrowth and many patients will be admitted to the emergency room and we could be victims of fatal infections in the long run, from now on. This reopening of activities is necessarily going to lead to an increase in the disease, therefore I ask the entire health sector to be vigilant and duplicate the self-care standards ”.

The Colombian Association of Internal Medicine (ACMI), of which Dr. Carballo Zárate was president, also mourned his death. “We are comforted by the gratitude for his teachings, advice, support, commitment and joys that he gave us,” wrote its members in a note of condolences.

“The ACMI dismisses a great person, a leader and above all a magnificent human being, father, friend and one of the best internists in the entire country (…) He gave his all for the care of his patients and this Association, standing out as a great master of Internal Medicine at the national level and throughout Latin America ”.

As the 55-year-old doctor was known, after presenting symptoms related to COVID 19, he was admitted to the Madre Bernarda Clinic, where he worked, then referred to Medihelp and finally transferred to the city of Bucaramanga where his death occurred.
