Videos of nuns praying on building roof


The particular scene was recorded by a woman, in the La Soledad neighborhood of Bogotá, who related everything that happened with several videos on Twitter, where she identifies herself as Ana Noguera.

In the first one, the two women are seen standing on a sloping roof praying for their neighbors, regardless of whether they were all interested in hearing them.

Naturally, says the tweeter, several people expressed their “disagreement”, but they ignored the claims and argued that they could offer their tribute to the Virgin in her month.

According to the young woman, even some inhabitants of the area argued in the streets to complete the particular situation.

In the third scene of the thread, background music is heard because a neighbor considered that it was also his right to make noise in the neighborhood and, although it is not perceived very well, the tweeters agreed that it was metal. One of them explained that it was the song ‘Engel’ by the German band Rammstein, and considered it a “good choice”.


There, it is also seen that a police officer arrived at the scene, but concentrated on asking the young man to remove the music.

The last video in the story shows that the nuns decided to retire, and one of them is seen walking calmly through the roof, which aroused the anguish of many who were following the situation.

In the story, the tweeter ends up telling that a neighbor who did agree with the rosary asked them to do it daily but the other inhabitants begged not in unison.

On Facebook some videos were also known from other angles and that show that the nuns spent several minutes there:

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Thus, there are already 7 areas that have to comply with more stringent measures during quarantine. The secretary points out that with this he covers 115,000 people, of the more than million inhabitants of the locality.


These are the new sectors covered by the Measure:



  • nAt UPZ Kennedy Central: Ciudad Kennedy Occidental, Ciudad Kennedy Sur and Pastrana neighborhoods.
  • n

  • nAt UPZ America: Ciudad Kennedy neighborhood.
  • n

  • nAt UPZ Corabastos: Techo and Mar u00eda Paz neighborhoods.
  • n



n n Casos de coronavirus en Colombia mayo 13 n n



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To justify the determination, G u00f3mez noted that Kennedy lives u201strong lesson u201d about what happens when quarantine is breached.


In declarations collected by Caracol Radio, the secretary affirmed that one of every five cases of COVID-19 is concentrated in this locality; u201c Only by complying with a strict quarantine for 2 weeks we will be able to achieve an effective containment u201d.


The Mayor's Office reiterated that care must be greater in this town, since It has approximately 1 u2019200,000 inhabitants. u00a0



n n Fiesta en cuarentena n n



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Just 2 days ago, the same G u00f3mez had announced that more quadrants were being delimited in the areas of u00a0Central kennedy u00a0y America.


At that time, the secretary warned that isolation would be progressive and it should be ensured that everyone received an escort from the District.

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Moreno made his decision after the resignation of three top leaders of the federation last week and the pressure of several clubs opposing his management, as confirmed by a letter sent to the FIFA with a copy to Conmebol whose content was published by the newspaper La Tercera.


u201cWhile our sector agrees to continue until July 31, We already ask for your departure letter and that it continue interim, but without attributions u201c, Luis Baquedano, leader of Uni u00f3n Espa u00f1ola, one of the opposition clubs, said in remarks disseminated by the newspaper El Mercurio.



Moreno's departure began to take shape in 2019, when the resignation of senior ANFP officials who were part of the administration of the previous president, Arturo Salah. But the resignation of the last three leaders last week left without the necessary "quorum" for the federation's board of directors to continue in session, which weakened their management.


Moreno also asked Fifa and Conmebol to u201ct as supervisors of this process u201d of transition to be followed by the ANFP until his resignation.


Moreno's letter replied to a letter sent to him by Fifa in which he asked for reports on the crisis that Chilean soccer is experiencing, suspended since March 16 due to the coronavirus pandemic.


In his letter to the governing body of world football, Sebasti u00e1n Moreno said that after his departure he expects the normal course of the federation to resume and u201cque the evolution of sanitary conditions also allows the prompt return to sports activities u201d.


The Chilean leadership agreed to hold a vote on July 30 to elect the new president of Chilean soccer.

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The statement of the local president, Everth Hawkins, is known after 15 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in that territory, because he himself had said that the outbreak of the disease originated because a ship that he arrived in the past, he had several infections.


It is normal practice (sexual services on arriving ships). There are women who live from that and of course no one is going to be the exception, and we are fully convinced that after no night custody by no one existed, as many people were able to be there u201d, Hawkins said in Caracol News.


The newscast says that these women had ignored the recommendations of the authorities and that they got on the boat without realizing that there had been a source of contagion, since one of the crewmen died on the boat. u00f3n and it was there where the contagions were discovered.


u201cThe captain of the ship did not say that any of the crew had these symptoms u201d, the port captain, Luis Francisco Kehkan, warned in the newscast.


Upon inspecting the body and proceeding with the removal, several health workers and Navy personnel were infected, since at that time it was unknown that the virus was traveling there.



n n Laboratorio n n



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It is for this situation that the authorities suspect that the number of infected may be higher, and Governor Hawkins' decision was to tighten the measures since the Whisper ship was there for about six days.


u201c u00bfWhat do we have to do now? We have to take extreme measures, we have to increase the mandatory preventive isolation measures much more, he explained at a press conference, where he was upset by the indiscipline of its inhabitants.


Now, indicates Week, the authorities are looking for the women to practice the COVID-19 test.

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And the fact is that the crisis caused by the coronavirus has led to the evaluation in Bogotá of additional measures to those taken in Kennedy, Featured Blu Radio.


Citing sources from the Bogotá authorities, the station indicated that similar evaluations are being made to those in Kennedy, and that in the 5 aforementioned localities there could be decisions important u201d.


Although the radial frequency was emphatic in saying that the measurements do not apply to entire locationsThese will take place in sectors where COVID-19 cases have been followed up.



n n Bogotu00e1 crece en casos de COVID-19 n n



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Blu noted that it is being evaluated. u201 cradle bright orange alert u201d in some sectors and u00a0destac u00f1 more than 300,000 people in Kennedy It is in u201cc hard quarantine u201d.


If these measures are finalized, some streets of Climb, Teusaquillo, Engativ u00e1, Rafael Uribe Uribe and Chapinero They would start to see orange parades, receive strong disinfection measures and, above all, to have a more strict quarantine, the media highlighted.


On the same line, u00a0RCN Radio, also u201d citing the authorities u201d, Mention to the same localities.


That medium was a little more specific and said neighborhoods like Bosque Calder u00f3n would be covered by the new measures; in addition, it is indicated that the District will make the announcement in the next few hours.



n n Fiesta en cuarentena n n



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The numbers of the localities at risk


The district, at your health observatory,"He highlights that Kennedy already has 975 cases, well above the other towns in the capital.


The u2018podio u2019 of cases is completed Get on, with 473 infected, and Engativ u00e1, with 396.


It is noteworthy that the towns of Rafael Uribe Uribe (183), Teusaquillo (159) and Chapinero (152) have been mentioned, as they do not have as many infections as other areas of the capital and his figures did not rise in the last hours.


This is the Mayor's report, as of this Wednesday:


Alcaldu00eda de Bogotu00e1.
Mayor of Bogot u00e1.

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Through a complaint published on Twitter by the Falabella Syndicate, it was learned that the company has already suspended contracts with several of its employees. Even that some sick people were victims of the decision.


u201cIf you did not know, we will tell you; The multinational Falabella suspended contracts for its employees, for not taking advantage of the 40% reduction in basic wages (SLM), regardless of the families that depend on this income and regardless of the sick (people) u201d, union publication noted.




Pulzo contacted the multinational and it is possible that in the next few hours a statement will be issued to explain the decision to fire people in this time of crisis due to the coronavirus in Colombia.



n n Trabajadores en cuarentena n n



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Based on the decision, Falabella would have skipped the provision of the Ministry of Labor, which recently emphasized that layoffs are not allowed, arguing for the impact of the crisis unleashed by the virus.


However, Caracol Radio indicates that the minister in charge of that portfolio, u00c1ngel Custodio Cabrera, reported in the last few hours that his office recently received 15 requests from companies to be able to make mass layoffs of employees, but it is not confirmed if Falabella is in that list.

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Regarding the u2018vuelta al sol u2019 number 45 of the Mexican artist, the media shared a photograph of her wearing just a concealed u2018doby u2019 on her curvy figure.


The actress, who made everyone fall in love with her evil in the novel starring Thal u00eda, Now she wears her blonde hair and preserves it on her shoulders, as in the production that catapulted her to fame.



Before the image, in addition to congratulating her on her birthday, her followers assured that she knew how to take good care of her appearance and that she looks younger; They even flattered her shapely legs.


Here, the photograph that has stolen all the eyes of those who still remember Soraya Montengro u2019:














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#ItatiCantoral is turning 45 years old and look at how he looks them ud83e udd70 u00a1 Congratulations! . u00bfCu u00e1nto u2764 ufe0f for her? . [Foto: Itatu00ed Cantoral]


A post shared by TVyNovelas M u00e9xico (@tvynovelasmex) on




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En cuanto a la orden de la Alcaldu00eda de Bogotu00e1 de encerrar ciertas partes de la ciudad para que no se expanda la pandemia, el experto aseguru00f3 que fue u201cmuy acertado lo que se hizou201d.


Segu00fan informu00f3 Nu00fau00f1ez, esta medida se conoce tu00e9cnicamente u201ccomo cercos epidemiolu00f3gicosu201d, y funcionan de la siguiente manera:


u201cContener una zona en donde tengo una gran cantidad de pacientes para que no se me salgan y se expanda la enfermedadu201d.



El epidemiu00f3logo,u00a0que hizo parte del equipo que asesoru00f3 al Gobierno frente al H1N1 y conforma el Colegio Mu00e9dico Colombiano, agregu00f3 que estas medidas de contenciu00f3n se deberu00e1n repetir las veces que sean necesarias.


Respaldando lo que dijo, Nu00fau00f1ez recordu00f3 que la gripe espau00f1ola se trato de esta forma y los resultados fueron muy benu00e9ficos.


El experto aseguru00f3 que Colombia presentaru00e1 varias olas epidemiolu00f3gicas; es decir, que se daru00e1n varios picos de contagio, no como lo que se experimenta en Italia, Espau00f1a, Estados Unidos y Brasil.


En cuanto a las medidas de aislamiento, el especialista explicu00f3 que cuando se empiece a abrir las puertas de los hogares colombianos u201cse infectaru00e1 una cantidad de personas, de esas, algunas falleceru00e1nu201d.

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Javier Fernu00e1ndez, conocido popularmente como el u2018cantante del golu2019, confesu00f3 que las negociaciones con el canal Win Sports se dieron en los mejores tu00e9rminos y que lo u00fanico que le pidiu00f3 al presidente de ese medio de comunicaciu00f3n es que su llegada no generara incomodidades entre sus compau00f1eros, haciendo referencia a que lo que menos queru00eda era que su contrataciu00f3n opacara a alguno de los talentos del canal.


u201cLa primera condiciu00f3n, si se puede llamar condiciu00f3n, que yo le sugeru00ed al presidente de Win fue: no quiero que mi llegada genere incomodidades y no quiero que genere cambios de ningu00fan tipou201d, seu00f1alu00f3 el relator al respecto.



n n Ivu00e1n Meju00eda y u00d3scar Renteru00edan n



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u201cMe da pena, me da vergu00fcenzau201d: Ivu00e1n Meju00eda, dolido con presente de u2018El pulso del fu00fatbolu2019



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Fernu00e1ndez entregu00f3 esa declaraciu00f3n cuando Miranda la preguntu00f3 si existu00eda algu00fan tipo de rivalidad Eduardo Luis, el otro relator estrella de Win Sports. El u2018cantanteu2019 descartu00f3 totalmente esa posibilidad y solo tuvo palabras generosas para su compau00f1ero.


u201cYo lo u00fanico que tengo por Eduardo Luis es un aprecio como de papu00e1, porque le conocu00ed muy niu00f1o y su00e9 del esfuerzo que se ha hecho para llegar a donde ha llegado. Eso jamu00e1su201d, concluyu00f3 el exrelator del u2018Gol Caracolu2019.


Sobre el u2018canal pru00e9miumu2019 del fu00fatbol colombiano, Fernu00e1ndez cree que ha faltado un poco mu00e1s de pedagogu00eda para que los aficionados comprenden que este se creu00f3 a peticiu00f3n de los equipos del fu00fatbol colombiano y pensando un incrementar sus ingresos econu00f3micos, no los de Win Sports.



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Shobushi, que pertenecu00eda a la escuderu00eda Takadagawa de Tokio, tuvo los primeros su00edntomas de fiebre los du00edas 4 y 5 de abril, pero no pudo ser atendido por los servicios de salud locales debido a que la lu00ednea de emergencia estaba constantemente ocupada por la gran cantidad de pacientes, explicu00f3 la Asociaciu00f3n de sumo en su comunicado, citado por CNN.


Despuu00e9s fue rechazado en varios hospitales, hasta que logru00f3 ingresar en un centro mu00e9dico de la capital japonesa el 8 de abril, cuando comenzaba a escupir sangre, agrega el mismo medio.


Un primer test dio negativo, pero 2 du00edas despuu00e9s, el 10 de abril, otra prueba revelu00f3 el positivo, cuando habu00eda sido transferido a otro hospital, donde entru00f3 en cuidados intensivos el 19 de abril, indica la cadena estadounidense.


u201cNo tenemos palabras cuando pensamos en los corazones rotos de los miembros de su familiau201d, declaru00f3 el jefe de la Asociaciu00f3n Japonesa de Sumo, que se hace llamar Hakkaku.



u201cHa tenido que ser muy doloroso luchar contra la enfermedad durante mu00e1s de un mes, pero como luchador de sumo perseveru00f3 y resistiu00f3, luchando hasta el finalu201d, au00f1adiu00f3 Hakkaku, citada por CNN.


u201cLe deseamos ahora que descanse en pazu201d, au00f1adiu00f3, dando las gracias al personal mu00e9dico por sus cuidados.


Antes de este fallecimiento se habu00edan dado algunos casos de COVID-19 en los grados inferiores de la escuderu00eda Takadagawa y en un maestro de sumo, deporte en el que los luchadores superan ampliamente los 100 kilos.


El sobrepeso es uno de los factores de riesgo de esta enfermedad.



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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP898420","titles":{"main":"En el techo y con parlante, monjas rezaron frente a vecinos y las bajaron a punta de metal","facebook":"#Videos u00a1Quu00e9 peligro!","seo":"Videos de monjas rezando en techo de edificio"},"phrases":{"main":"Desde la parte alta de un edificio y sin importarles el peligro que corru00edan, las religiosas utilizaron un amplificador para recitar el rosario a todo volumen."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"virales","name":"Virales"}},"urls":{"main":"/virales/videos-monjas-rezando-techo-edificio-PP898420"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"paola.paez","name":"Paola Paez"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 13, 2020 07:07 pm","updated":1589397461,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Monjas se subieron a techo a rezar y les pusieron metal","credit":"Captura videos Twitter @AnaNoguera y Facebook Juana Oberlaender","description":"Monjas se subieron a techo a rezar y les pusieron metal","alt":"Monjas se subieron a techo a rezar y les pusieron metal","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Bogotu00e1","Cuarentena"],"sources":[{"title":"Pulzo","url":"","source":"Pulzo","fuente":"Pulzo"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn

La particular escena la registru00f3 una mujer, en el barrio La Soledad de Bogotu00e1, que relatu00f3 todo lo que pasu00f3 con varios videos en Twitter, en donde se identifica como Ana Noguera.


En el primero de ellos se ve a las dos mujeres de pie sobre un techo inclinado rezando para sus vecinos, sin tener en cuenta si todos ellos estaban interesados en escucharlas.




Naturalmente, cuenta la tuitera, varias personas expresaron su u201cdesacuerdou201d, pero ellas ignoraron los reclamos y argumentaron que podu00edan ofrecer su homenaje a la Virgen en su mes.


Segu00fan la joven, incluso algunos habitantes de la zona discutieron en las calles para completar la particular situaciu00f3n.




En la tercera escena del hilo se escucha mu00fasica de fondo porque un vecino consideru00f3 que tambiu00e9n estaba en su derecho de hacer ruido en el barrio y, aunque no se percibe muy bien, los tuiteros coincidieron en que era metal. Uno de ellos detallu00f3 que se trataba de la canciu00f3n u2018Engelu2019 de la banda alemanau00a0Rammstein, y lo consideru00f3 una u201cbuena elecciu00f3nu201d.



Allu00ed tambiu00e9n se ve que un agente de la Policu00eda llegu00f3 al lugar, pero se concentru00f3 en pedirle al joven que quitara la mu00fasica.




El u00faltimo video de la historia muestra que las monjas decidieron retirarse, y se ve cu00f3mo una de ellas camina tranquilamente por el techo, lo que despertu00f3 la angustia de muchos que seguu00edan la situaciu00f3n.


En el relato, la tuitera termina contando que una vecina que su00ed estuvo de acuerdo con el rosario les pidiu00f3 que lo hicieran a diario pero los demu00e1s habitantes suplicaron que no al unu00edsono.




En Facebook tambiu00e9n se conocieron algunos videos desde otros u00e1ngulos y que demuestran que fueron varios los minutos que estuvieron las monjas allu00ed:







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