VIDEO: Yina Calderon’s huge “putifiesta” in full quarantine


The woman, unconscious, was the mockery of her friends who took the opportunity to paint her while she was sleeping the scratch

VIDEO: The huge

Yina Calderon, the controversial former protagonist of novels, not for her huge binge in quarantine. On this Saturday night, he transmitted on his Instagram the party full of drinks and lights that he put together with family and friends at his home. The evening ended in a live fight with Manuela Gómez, with whom she has had an enmity since 2013 in the studio house and who has been hit by blows in a bar in Medellín.

These were the moments of the huge party, which raises doubts about the little intervention of the Police:

Corresponding authorities must sanction Yina Calderón and the guests of a party that she did in the middle of the mandatory quarantine.

Here the face to face by networks of Yina Calderón and Manuel Gómez:

Yina Calderon even ended up inviting Dj Marcela Reyes to her live party to advise her with a few drinks on top:
