The offenders, according to Noticias Caracol, were locked up in the billiard -located in the town of Engativá-, in tremendous relaxation and violating the mandatory isolation measure, on Thursday night.
“The quadrants, while carrying out surveillance and control in establishments open to the public, found in flagrante del 14 people who were consuming alcoholic beverages inside it,” confirmed Major Pelagio Guarnizo, police commander in that town.
Although the subjects tried to provide some invalid and nonsensical explanations, adds the media, the uniformed officers imposed on everyone appearing for violating the sanitary measure.
Carlos Bacca, the one who never scored a goal on goal with the National Team and who threw the penalty kick against England, complaining of a lack of opportunities, playing more than 50 games and contributing absolutely nothing. It is not shameless or anything
u2014 Juan Diego Rivera (@ jdiegorivera99) April 24, 2020
People are very cheeky.
Carlos Bacca knocked down the criminal that eliminated us from Russia and goes out to throw shit at Pekerman with that Chimbo tale of trust.
When I thought that there was nothing that could rot me more on the day, Carlos Bacca comes out to say that he did not receive confidence in the qualifying rounds or the World Cup. Do me the motherfucker please u2026
Incredible that Bacca complains about Pekerman. You should feel lucky that it took you to 2 World Cups being such a log.
u2014 Camilo Pinz u00f3n (@_CamiloPinzon) April 24, 2020
Bacca always seemed like a good player to me, but as a club, the truth is that in the national team he did not give up. But go out and say that you didn't have a chance and that was why you lacked confidence? It is already very cynical then. https: / / / tNZmNTeXzu
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"," seo ":" Coronavirus: Icetex will not ask for a joint and several debtor in the second semester of 2020. "}," phrases ": {" main ":" People will be able to access cr u00e9ditos to start your studies or continue them in the second semester of the year without having a joint debtor. 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Manuel Acevedo, director of Icetex, said together with President Iv u00e1n Duque that to date there are 48,934 beneficiaries of the measures that the Government has adopted from the entity to mitigate the impact on the pocket of Colombians due to the coronavirus pandemic, and highlighted that 22,000 users have taken advantage of the payment interruption measure announced a few days ago.
u201cWhen the educational credit is generated, there are certain dates or months in which you must make your payments. Those who took advantage of this measure were extended the number of months, which has the effect that the monthly value is reduced, which generates the relief they are currently seeking u201d, he explained The principal, and added that registrations for the next semester will begin on May 4.
To the expansion of payments, according to Acevedo, 19,500 students have been accepted, and another 8,300 have had their interest rates reduced with which the value of the money they must pay is calculated monthly.
He highlighted that in addition to the total aid provided to students during the economic emergency, 42% correspond to expansion in amortization plans, 41% to grace periods or interruption of payments, and 17% to temporary reduction of interest.; of them, 68% correspond to people between strata 1 and 2.
u201cBogot u00e1 is the city with the most aid granted with 33%, followed by Valle del Cauca (9%), Atl u00e1ico (7%), Antioquia (7%), Cundinamarca (6%), Santander ( 6%) and Bol u00edvar (3%), among others, added Icetex in a statement.
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The expert commented in Caracol News that lowering wages to workers who do not earn a minimum wage is constitutionally viable only if the employee is not under pressure or threats of dismissal. u201cIf an agreement is reached, it is perfectly viable in Colombia through the figure of the revision of the contract u201d.
If there is no agreement of the parties, the worker can go to the labor jurisdiction; however, he will have to wait until the emergency is over, as there is currently no care in court "for obvious reasons," Jaramillo said in the middle.
On whether the government has the power to order through a law a reduction in wages in private companies to address the economic crisis, the director highlighted in the news that the emergency measures and emergencies that are provided in the Constitution, have a limitation on the deterioration in the rights of workers. u201cThe Constitution prevents the government from making moves such as lowering workers' wages u201d.
u201c It should be clarified that force majeure or fortuitous event in Colombia is not grounds for dismissal; it is a cause, in recent times, of suspension, but after exhausting a series of measures that the Ministry of Labor itself has given, which is to seek teleworking, home work, flexible working hours or even paid leave u201d, Jaramillo said in the newscast, as he added that the same applies in the event that the company is not having income and is definitely not able to support the payroll. u201cThe risks of the operation are of the company, not of the worker u201d.
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The woman, based in Argentina, commented to the program u2018Selling u2018 than Luis Miguel took advantage of his time in the South American country to go to the psychiatric hospital where Honorina is hospitalized. since early 2019.
u201c They say yes, it seems it was a half complicated night. u00c9l left without custody, without the girlfriend, and others; They say he was in the hospital. From day one she has custody at the door. I ask, if it has nothing to do with Luis Miguel, why this change? u201c, Lorena explained to the journalist in the media.
However, the cousin of u2018El Sol u2019 recognized that she no longer has custody, that she can now receive visits, but that she only moves from her room to the dining room; in addition, he added that his idea, being her relative, is to get her out of the hospital. However, they have not allowed him to perform a DNA test.
When they tell the woman about Luis Miguel, she assures that he is the greatest (the eldest), and shows some fascination towards the figure of him when he was youngApparently his features change when he sees what he looks like now; It also reminds Sergio, the singer's younger brother, De la Torre explained.
According to the interpreter's family member, the woman who is in the mental hospital has moments of great lucidity, so much so that she mentions u2018The unconditional u2019, the u0018 last subject that u2018El Sol u2019 he dedicated to his mom at a concert.
Here, the interview:
It is worth mentioning that Lorena also took the opportunity to relate the series that narrates the singer's life, in which at the end of its first season he appears visiting a woman in a medical center.
Luis Miguel lost contact with his mother since he was very young, and tried to find her through various means, but, according to his family member, it seems that his father (Luisito Rey) was related to his disappearance.
Despite the fact that several people suggest that Marcela u00a0Basteri is dead, a death certificate, a body or a grave never appeared.
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The boy, eight years old and resident in Gold Coast, was concerned to learn that in mid-March the actor and his wife, Rita Wilson, had contracted the new coronavirus during their stay in Australia. .
Corona sent them a letter asking them how they were in health and told them that at his school they messed with his name and in the context of the global pandemic.
u201c I love my name, but at school people call me the coronavirus. I get very sad and angry when people call me that, the little boy said in his letter dated April 6, Channel 9 of Australian television publishes.
In his response, Hanks, who is already in the United States after overcoming the illness, told him that even though he was no longer ill, the fact that he received his letter made him feel "much better".
u201c u00bfYou know? You are the only person I know called Corona, like the ring around the sun, like a corona, added the actor, winner of two u00d3scar and four Golden Globes.
Hanks also gifted the child with his typewriter, an antique L.C. brand. Smith & Corona Typewriters Inc.
u201cI think this typewriter is right for you ( u2026) Ask an adult how it works and u00fas to write to me u201d, wrote the famous, who in the postscript added u00f3: u201cYou have a friend in me, alluding to the song from u2018Toy Story u2019, a movie in which Hanks voices Woody.
Upon receiving the response and the gift, Corona expressed his happiness at having a "new friend in the United States," his family indicated on Channel 9.
On the typewriter, the little one stated the following:
u201cIt's cool ( u2026) It's so old that it must have belonged to someone before it was given to Tom Hanks u201d.
This is the typewriter that the actor sent Corona:
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var gFirtsArticle = {"id": "PP886505", "titles": {"main": " u2018Tacada u2019 of appendixes to 14 irresponsible people playing pool boy in quarantine", "facebook": "[Video] They lose the guy in helping for everyone's health. "," Seo ":"[Video] They capture 14 people who played billiards in quarantine, in Bogot u00e1 "}," phrases ": {" main ":" It is about 11 men and 3 (foreign) women surprised by the Bogot u00e1 Police in the public site, drinking liquor and gambling on that game. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nacion "," name ":" Naci u00f3n "}}," urls ": {"main": " / nacion / video-capture-14-people-who-played-billiards-quarantine-bogota-PP886505"}, "author": {"creator": {"user": "carolina. rodriguez "," name ":" Carolina Rodriguez "}," owner ": {" id ":" "," name ":" "," image ":" "," profile ":" "," url ": "", "twitter": {"title": "", "url": ""}, "urlFacebook": "", "email": "", "linkPersonal": "", "teamPulzo": "" , "short_text": "", "large_text": ""}}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "censorship": "0", "unpublishImage": "0", " ext ":" jpg "," created ":" April 24, 2020 09:06 am "," updated ": 1587722674," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" Captured for violating billiards quarantine de Bogot u00e1 "," credit ":" Police of Bogot u00e1 "," description ":" Captured for violating the police Entena in Bogot billiards u00e1 "," alt ":" Captured for violating the Bogot billiards quarantine u00e1 "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20200424090306 /capturados1.webp"►,"types":fix"thumb":"","mobile":"https: / / / images / 20200424090306 /capturados1-280x185.webp "," medium ":" https: / / / 20200424090306 / captured1- 420x278.webp "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20200424090306 /capturados1-900x485.webp "," vertical ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront .net / images / 20200424090306 /capturados1-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20200424090306 /capturados1-592x350.webp "," gif ":" "}}," videos ": {" main ": {" image ":" "," url ":" "," title ":" "," embeded ":" "}}," externalUrl " : "", "carousel": "0", "trinoTW": "", "liveBlog": "0", "shorthand": "", "audio": "https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfr / pulzo-lite / audios /PP886505.mp3 "," tags ":["Bogotu00e1","Comparendos","Cuarentena"], "sources":[{"title":"Jugaban billar en plena cuarentena, pero perdieron el u2018chicou2019 con la ley","url":"","source":"Noticias Caracol","fuente":"Noticias Caracol"},{"title":"Reporte de prensa","url":"","source":"Policu00eda de Bogotu00e1","fuente":"Policu00eda de Bogotu00e1"}], "related":["","",""], "body2": " n n
Violators, according to Caracol News, estaban encerrados en el billar u2014ubicado en la localidad de Engativu00e1u2014, en tremendo relajo y violando la medida de aislamiento obligatoria, en la noche de este jueves.
u201cLos cuadrantes, mientras realizaban labores de vigilancia y control en establecimientos abiertos al pu00fablico, hallaron en flagrancia a las 14 personas que se encontraban consumiendo bebidas alcohu00f3licas en el interior del mismou201d, confirmu00f3 el mayor Pelagio Guarnizo, comandante de la Policu00eda esa localidad.
Aunque los sujetos trataron de entregar algunas explicaciones invu00e1lidas y sin sentido, au00f1ade el medio, los uniformados les impusieron a todos comparendos por violar la medida sanitaria.
Ademu00e1s, indicu00f3 el oficial, los implicados fueron capturados y trasladados a la Unidad de Reacciu00f3n Inmediata (URI) de La Granja, donde quedaron a disposiciu00f3n de la Fiscalu00edau00a0 para u201cser judicializadosu201d.
Por otra parte, el noticiero informu00f3 que durante la madrugada de este viernes las autoridades tambiu00e9n se encontraron con rumbas privadas en viviendas de esa misma localidad y de Chapinero.
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