Video: The first drill was held to reopen bars in Bucaramanga


‘Cuadra Play’ was the scene of the drill that would give way to the pilots to open bars in Bucaramanga.

During the event, the protocols that establishments must comply with in order to operate again, after being closed for seven months amid the emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, were reviewed.

Daniel Santiago Duarte, president of Unibares Santander, explained that the measures are regulated through Resolution 1569 of the Ministry of Health, which allows the consumption of alcoholic beverages in restaurants and bars.

He also mentioned that 70% of the establishments have closed their doors since last March 16, affecting more than 14 thousand jobs.

“It is necessary to take care of the life and health of Santander but also take care of the financial health and income of these 14 thousand families,” he said.

To reduce the risk of contagion in these establishments, the National Government designed the biosafety protocols that the local administrations must supervise. Businesses that do not have the necessary infrastructure will not be authorized.

Also read: Mock reopening of the bars will be held tomorrow at “Cuadra Play” in Bucaramanga.

How would the bars work?

The President of Unibares explained that customers must register at the entrance and make a statement about their health. In addition, their temperature will be taken and they must comply with the disinfection of footwear.

Once at the establishment, the host must offer an induction to explain to the visitors how they should behave in the establishment. “They should be told where to go, how to use the mask, how to go to the bathroom, how to receive the products …”.

Inside the bar there will be demarcated spaces to delimit in which sector each family or group of friends should stay. “You cannot go from one table to another. You can’t dance in the establishment either, ”said Duarte.

Regarding the service, it will be ensured that the waiter has minimal contact with the customers. “The brandy will no longer be served. As soon as the liquor leaves the bar, it is disinfected and immediately passed to the table and from then on the customer takes over. The menus will be digital, through applications or social networks. The customer will be able to see what they want and can order it virtually or with the waiter ”.

Also read: Citizen indiscipline triggered COVID-19 in Floridablanca and Piedecuesta.

Likewise, electronic payment will be promoted to avoid contact, but payment in cash will not be ruled out.

Those who wish to attend these places must make reservations and the maximum capacity will be 50 people in each location. “If the establishment is very small and does not achieve that the distance between table and table is two meters, its capacity will decrease,” Duarte clarified.

Is there a set date?

Once the simulation has been carried out, where the protocols were shown to the authorities, owners of establishments and the media, the bar union will meet with officials from the mayor’s office to finalize details.

This meeting will take place today at 4:00 pm The owners of the bars have requested that the pilot test be carried out until 2:00 am, however, they will be governed by the guidelines of the Bucaramanga epidemiological committee.

“They have proposed that we open for a few weeks until 12:00 at night. So things will only open bars and gastrobars, because for discos it is not feasible to open one or two hours.”

Since March 16, this sector of the economy closed its doors and to date they are the only ones that have not opened.

“We have been very tolerant and very judicious but it is time to open up. The idea is that people go out to enjoy responsibly, not as is being done now, without any type of control. We are going to provide all the necessary measures to avoid the contagion of the virus “, said the President of Unibares.

In the union and in other sectors of the economy there is great expectation for the reopening. “We are going to do it responsibly,” Duarte emphasized.

Other provisions

In the regulations of the Ministry of Health, it is highlighted that the natural circulation of air must be guaranteed, so that “they must have adequate ventilation before beginning their cleaning and disinfection, open exterior doors and windows to increase the circulation of outside air” . If air conditioners are used, their maintenance must be guaranteed.

In addition, crowds in common spaces such as bar, locker, bathrooms and wardrobe should be avoided, so strategies must be designed in the opening hours and reservation systems.

Likewise, glycerinated alcohol must be available for the use of personnel, suppliers and clients.

As far as possible, elements that reduce contact with surfaces should be installed in the bathrooms. In other words, it is recommended to have swing or ‘push’ type doors, automatic dispensers for toilet paper, paper towels, soap and automatic taps.

The launching of foam, confetti and other substances that could become sources of contagion was prohibited. Neither can food or drink tasting be carried out, nor the delivery of sweets or mints in containers at the entrance or exit. You may not put stamps on the skin of customers, you can use single-use handles, but the customer must put it on.

To prevent the spread of the virus, hand washing should also be promoted.

Also read: Curfew in Bucaramanga continues between 11:00 pm and 5:00 am

How is the reopening of bars in other cities progressing?

On September 24, Asobares presented a first balance on the opening of this economic activity in which he pointed out that about 65 thousand workers have returned to work in 8 thousand authorized bars and gastrobars in Colombia, which represent 16% of the establishments that they existed before the pandemic.

So far, about 25 municipalities in the country have been approved the pilot tests by the Ministries of Health and the Interior, which the union considers “a very low number.”

Among the cities that already have authorization are Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Pasto, Manizales and Neiva. “On average, the establishments have called back 40% of their work teams,” said Asobares.

Against this background, Asobares asked local leaders to process the authorization of pilots with the National Government and eliminate restrictions such as peak and ID and curfews. “Extend the hours of operation (minimum 3:00 am) so that the pilot tests are safe for everyone and profitable for the establishments, thus reducing meetings in private spaces and discouraging attendance at illegal and clandestine parties without any biosecurity measures” .

The union has enabled its website and the email [email protected] to report illegal parties, the sale of liquor to minors and the operation of establishments that do not comply with biosafety measures and the hours allowed in each city.
