Video: Overflight over the island of Providencia after the devastating Iota pass


According to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, the sustained wind from Hurricane Iota is already 225 kilometers per hour, with even higher gusts, with a minimum pressure of 935 millibars.  EFE / Archive
According to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, the sustained wind from Hurricane Iota is already 225 kilometers per hour, with even higher gusts, with a minimum pressure of 935 millibars. EFE / Archive

The passage of the Iota hurricane through the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina left thousands of inhabitants affected. So far the calculation of the damages in the totality of the islands is not known but apparently, in Providencia, damage would be reported in 98% of the infrastructure of the place.

Completely incommunicado for more than 24 hours in Providencia, the situation is critical. There is no food, no shelters or portable water, in addition there would be hundreds of injured people and the only health center available on the island would be destroyed.

Grass: President Iván Duque arrived on the island of San Andrés

The first report on deaths and injuries was given by the governor of San Andrés on Blu Radio: “We have had quite a few communication problems. According to information we have received by satellite phone, Providencia has a large part of its homes throughout the municipality affected, we have victims. So far, according to the information they have sent us, we have two victims in Providencia and three missing fishermen “.

The first images of the island of Providencia

Accompanied by several ministers of his cabinet and directors of entities, President Iván Duque arrived this Tuesday at the archipelago department of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina to lead the work of attention to the emergency caused by Hurricane Iota.

Initially, on board the plane FAC-001 and coming from Cartagena, the head of state flew over the islands of Providencia and Santa Catalina, which were the hardest hit by the natural phenomenon.

Overflight over the island of Providencia (Presidency video)

Later, he landed in San Andrés, where he toured the island’s coastal area, spoke with the community, and met with his government team.

Infrastructure damage, which we could also see from the overflight, is practically a 98% – 99% destruction of our infrastructure.

Iván Duque also reported that: “We will be deploying all the capacity of the National Government, the Navy, the Army, our team of rescuers, the Ministry of Health, to attend to, evacuate some of the wounded and have an immediate response capacity”.

The head of state indicated that he had the opportunity to talk with the mayor of Providencia, Norberto Gari Hooker, who informed him that the “damage to infrastructure, which we could also appreciate from the overflight, is practically 98% – 99% destruction. of our infrastructure ”.

The preliminary balance is that there is a person who has died and there is a missing person. We hope to reach the territory to have a more precise information gathering, ”said President Duque.

Humanitarian aid for the archipelago

The National Government announced the support of the public force to attend the emergency left by the passage of Iota through the islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. More than two thousand men and women of the Caribbean Naval Force of the Navy they are available and highly trained to deal with the emergency.

Grass: Ideam issues forecast on possible cyclone in the Caribbean

The Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, recalled that about 200 men and women of the Colombian Navy sail aboard the corvette ARC Independiente, who sailed from Cartagena to the archipelago, to provide medical, logistical and supply support to the communities affected by the Iota passage.


He explained that the ship, “Equipped with the latest technology in communications and capabilities for the transport of personnel and supply of material, it will navigate in the middle of hurricane winds until reaching San Andrés island”.

If you want to donate in ‘Colombia takes care of Colombia’ You must enter the website of Colombia Cuida Colombia or the accounts of the Colombian Food Banks Association (NIT 900326456-1): Bancolombia- Savings Account 04895966431 Or Davivienda: Savings Account 456300124504.

In addition, the Food Bank assured that perishable food can also be donated; ready-to-eat foods, new outer and inner clothing for all population groups, grooming kits, Community kitchen items, sleeping items, biosecurity items, survival kit and plastic pallets or emergency kits. These items must be sent to the Food Bank.
