Video of Maradona when he played and scored a goal for peace in Bogotá


This historical moment is remembered by various media in their tributes to the death of Maradona, and in social networks they do not forget that the one considered, by many, the best player in the world, visited Bogotá in April 2015 to play a game for peace from Colombia.

On that occasion, Maradona scored the winning goal thanks to a penalty that was whistled at the end of the match, although in the narration of the video made by the EFE Agency it was stipulated that it was “a great pool in the area that the star himself launched.”

But the important thing was not the penalty but that Diego Maradona had scored a goal for peace, as the now retired player delighted world viewers with that magic and control of the ball that always characterized him.

“On a court I could never have peace, they hit me a lot. This is going to be my first act of peace on a soccer field, ”said Maradona that historic day.

The former player also left a gesture of reconciliation for the country and a message for young people, and it was that they never fall into drugs and that they fight for their dreams despite the adversities of life.

“In my family we were many and we had many needs, the food was not enough. I told my father: ‘Someday I will be someone and I will not forget that I slept on an empty stomach.’ I would do anything to make needy kids eat. That is why my message is that you never disrespect your family, never, ”he said.

This was the goal that Maradona scored in Bogotá.

Maradona and his moment of aggressiveness in Bogotá

But Maradona, for a moment, forgot the words and messages of peace and starred in a scene of aggression that went around the world, since at the end of the game he insulted several people, hit a cameraman, kicked one security person and pushed two children who rushed towards him to hug him.

“This is nothing more than a situation added to others, and that we would think could correspond to a type of disorder”, explained, at that time, the president of the Latin American Society of Psychiatry, Rodrigo Córdoba, in an interview with Univisión.

Of course, it must be said, Maradona showed his face after this embarrassing moment and apologized to the people and children he attacked, since the important thing was the message of reconciliation for peace.
