Video of girl separated from adoptive mother and repudiation against ICBF in Arauca


The video, which lasts just over a minute, completely summarizes the pain of the girl and the adoptive mother, and was published by the Las Chivas del Llano portal.

“Dad, don’t take me,” pleads the girl, about five years old, that clings to the arms of the woman who raised her and gave her love that she apparently did not have in her natural home.

The media assured that the woman who appears there is Edelmira Vivas, and that she had the girl “since she was born.”

“Five years ago her biological parents abandoned her in the neonatal area and never showed any interest in the little girl. Mrs. Edelmira raised her, giving her a very good life and a family full of love, ”she explained.

The media reported that the girl had been taken from the woman by order of Family Welfare, and that this decision caused “a wave of criticism against the ICBF to fall.”

Now, Mrs. Vivas cries out for help because, she says, the girl and she “are suffering from separation.”

ICBF does not talk about the case of a girl in Arauca, but it does talk about the theft of minors

At the moment there is no official statement by the ICBF, as the entity is focused on alerting parents about a new type of child theft in the country.

This consists, as explained by the director Lina Arbeláez, in which unscrupulous people pose as officials and come to the home of the victims to take their children, with the excuse that they carry out a process of reestablishing their rights.
