VIDEO | ‘Movie’ shooting to recover a truck loaded with liquor in Medellín


The agents chased the vehicle along a large part of the Medellín - Bogotá highway.  Photo: video capture
The agents chased the vehicle along a large part of the Medellín – Bogotá highway. Photo: video capture

As if it were an action movie, on November 25 a scene worthy of being in ‘Fast and the Furious’ was recorded on the highway that connects Medellín with Bogotá. A subject stole a truck loaded with 300 million pesos in liquor, kidnapped the driver and fled; immediately after, a ‘troop’ of motorized police officers was registered and, meters later, they managed to arrest the criminal.

The fact was known by an amateur video in which it was evidenced that on one of the busiest highways in Colombia, a subject was speeding driving the stolen truck to avoid the weight of the law. Behind the thug were at least 10 patrols who were chasing him to try to stop him.

Distressing moments lived the other drivers who were on the road when they saw that they could be hit by the car that was going at full speed or perhaps, hit by one of the projectiles that the authorities launched to stop the bandit.

Finally, on the corner of Playón de los Comuneros, the criminal had to stop because the bullets fired by the policemen made holes in the tires, which truncated his escape plan.

A bullet they recover tractoromula

According to information from General Eliécer Camacho, commander of the Metropolitan Police, The criminal would be an alleged member of the combo “El Mesa”, he would be 34 years old and would be known in the criminal world as alias ‘Cemento’. Camacho also added that the driver was intimidated into stealing the truck and being kidnapped.

“The tractor-trailer type vehicle is located through the security cameras. In the northeastern commune a persecution begins, being necessary to affect the tires of said vehicle to obtain his arrest ”, assured General Camacho.

The tractor, which according to General Camano was loaded with 200 baskets of Red Seal Whiskey, 2,610 units of Smirnoff, 240 cases of whiskey, 4800 bottles of 12-year-old Buchanan’s whiskey, 234 bottles of Jhonny Walker 18-year whiskey, among other spirits.

At this time, the captured, the truck and the recovered goods are in the hands of the competent judicial authorities.

According to figures from the National Police, During 2020, 22,620 cars have been stolen, on average, 103 a day. In addition, motorcycles are the most stolen means of transport, this year there have been 15,975, that is, 73 motorcycles a day. The number of cars stolen in this same period is 6,645, an average of 30 cars stolen daily.
