(Video) Frank Fabra paid in the face to Izquierdoz de Boca Juniors


Frank Fabra and Carlos Izquierdoz starred in an embarrassing scene in the game that Boca Juniors played against Talleres this Sunday, for the sixth date of the Argentine League Cup.

Izquierdoz, central defender and Boca Juniors captain, reproached the Colombian left-back for some neglect he was having in the first half. Fabra did not like very much the way his partner spoke to him and, due to the fever of the moment, he ended up slapping him on the face.

It is the first time that the Colombian has been seen hitting his own teammate. The situation did not go unnoticed on ESPN’s television broadcast. “Whoops! Izquierdoz and Fabra discussed ugly ”, The speaker Sebastián ‘Pollo’ Vignolo commented after seeing the repetition.

The Boca captain did not respond to the Colombian due to the slap that hit him on the right cheek. The crossing between the two occurred in the 25th minute, when Boca already lost 1-0 due to the score that Talleres got in the 13th minute.

As expected, the video of the fight starring Fabra and his partner began to go around the continent and is being widely shared on different platforms. The memes did not wait in Argentina. These were the images of the slap that the Colombian gave to the captain ‘xeneize’:
