Video: A new day of protest took place in Bucaramanga against police abuse


After 3:00 in the afternoon on Monday, hundreds of protesters members of human rights organizations, unions and students gathered at Carrera 27 with Calle 36 in Bucaramanga for a new protest.

Due to the demonstration, vehicle mobility in the area is stopped and Metrolínea reported that routes AB1, P6 and P9 have detours.

The set ended before 6:00 in the afternoon without any inconvenience or confrontation with the Police.

The idea, according to organizers, is to ask that the genocide that began in Bogotá on September 9 when the police murdered lawyer Javier Ordóñez stop.

This sit-in, called ‘Stop the genocide’, also seeks to demand that there be guarantees for all those citizens who want to protest against human rights violations.

“We invite all the people of the metropolitan area once again to add their voice of rejection, against the systematic genocide against the people. We take to the streets demanding a dignified life, health, work, education, bread, housing and peace ”, explained the Unitary Command of Santander in its social networks.

This would be the fifth day of protest against police abuse since September 9, the date on which the first march took place after the death of the lawyer in Bogotá.

On September 11, after a sit-in called at the Plazoleta Cívica Luis Carlos Galán, the second demonstration ended in excesses and clashes with the Police. This event left nine captured, three police officers injured, and several establishments with broken glass, including the Palace of Justice and the main Vanguardia facilities.

It may interest you: The death toll in protests against police brutality in Colombia rose to 13

On Saturday the 12th another sit-in was called, this time in Girón, which was carried out in a peaceful manner. And on Sunday 13, hundreds of protesters gathered at the Caballo de Bolívar, near the TUI, to march from this point to the San Pio park where another sit-in was held, also in a peaceful manner.
