Venezuelan migration during the covid-19 pandemic to Colombia | Borders – Venezuela – International


What had subtly started just over a month ago has become more apparent in the last ten days. After the total or partial reopening of the economies of neighboring countries, and the worsening of the crisis in Venezuela, Thousands of people seek to cross borders that, however, remain closed due to covid-19.

(You may be interested: Overcrowding of returnees to Venezuela spreads covid-19, says report)

They go, again, walking. And on the way they are exposed not only to being infected with the virus, but also to mistreatment by officials of the State security forces, as denounced this week by the Catholic Church and the National Assembly.

“The conditions are not in place for (this return) to occur, but imagine the despair of these brothers so that they decide to walk again, ”Táchira deputy Carlos Valero told EL TIEMPO, who explained that, on their journey, the migrants are being victims of “humiliation, humiliation and robbery” by officials.

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On Wednesday, the Catholic Church, in the voice of Monsignor Mario Moronta, had expressly asked them to respect for the people “who unfortunately have taken the option of leaving this country because there is hunger and there is misery ”.

“Both guards, police and military at checkpoints: defend and protect migrants. Respect the dignity of the poor and the suffering ”, demanded Moronta.

Venezuelan migrants

The Venezuelan Church asked for respect for migrants.

Although, according to deputy Valero, among the walkers there are also new migrants, agrees with other experts in pointing out that, among the causes of this new wave, also stands out the “terrible treatment” that, he said, the more than 100,000 returnees had already received.

“Once they were admitted, they were placed in the Comprehensive Social Care Points (Pasi) and also (they undertook) a xenophobic, hateful speech against these brothers. They make them feel like strangers, persecuted in their own country. And if to that is added what is happening with public services, inflation, shortages, the (lack of) access to fuel and mobility, and you are a ‘biological weapon’, as the Government cataloged you, many choose return to these countries, “he said.

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However, on his show this Wednesday, Chavismo number two, Diosdado Cabello, dismissed these complaints, and he assured that they were part of an alleged “media campaign” promoted by the opposition against the country.

They make them feel like strangers, persecuted in their own country

“They are saying that we are treating those who returned badly and that they have to go again. Some have already fallen for assholes, do not fall again, ”Cabello insisted, in what Valero described as an attempt to“ make the situation invisible ”.

Testimonies collected by the Efe agency among the groups of walkers who are mobilized, mainly in the west of the country, show that those who are looking to leave, in this new wave, they do it mainly for financial reasons.

The most recent measurement of the firm Consultores 21 on the immigration issue, from the month of June, It pointed out that 13 percent of Venezuelans wanted to go out, despite covid-19. “More than a million and a half people who manifest clear intentions to leave”, Professor Gerardo González, Consultants 21 project manager, recently explained to this newspaper.

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Of that percentage with the intention of leaving, the sociologist estimates that 63 percent do not have a permanent job and, therefore, are in that informal sector of the economy that has suffered so much from the consequences of covid-19.

God given hair

Diosdado Cabello, the number two of Chavismo, affirmed that the complaints are part of a media campaign.

Consultants Measurements 21 also point to the fact that 56 percent of Venezuelans have lost their formal jobs or informal as a result of the pandemic, and that 83 percent do not have to cover their basic food costs.

The phenomenon, however, continues to be limited, due to the closure of the borders. Once they are opened, as Venezuelan experts on the subject of migration have told EL TIEMPO, the number of returnees who return to their host countries or migrate for the first time is expected to increase. At the moment, the closing of borders is not only forcing these people to cross dangerous trails, rather, it would be promoting another wave of internal migration.

The trails are the alternate routes to cross the border, where carters and armed groups charge from 5,000 to 150,000 Colombian pesos for the passage.

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More than a million and a half people who manifest clear intentions to leave

They will watch the trails

In Colombia, around 900 men, including members of the Army and the Police, will monitor these illegal steps that connect Norte de Santander with Venezuela. The decision was made after a Unified Command Post on the border, chaired by the governor of Norte de Santander, Silvano Serrano, to control the entry of migrants.

Víctor Bautista, Secretary of Borders and International Cooperation of Norte de Santander, stated that the migratory situation is serious. “We have reviewed complex issues such as the agglomeration of migrants who have entered Colombia irregularly in the midst of the restriction we have due to covid-19 and with humanitarian needs for which the department is not yet prepared, because the border remains closed” said the official.

Bautista said that he submitted a request to the government of the state of Táchira (Venezuela) to inform the Venezuelan government and citizens that they cannot enter Colombian territory. “There is no authorized crossing of migrants into Colombia and it is not convenient for them to move to the border given the current humanitarian and health issues”added.

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The situation of migrants who move on foot has once again set off the alarms of the municipalities of Villa del Rosario, Pamplona and Cúcuta, which have requested joint work with the Police, the National Army and Migration Colombia.

We have reviewed complex issues such as the agglomeration of migrants who have entered Colombia irregularly in the midst of the restriction we have due to covid-19 (…)

Against this background, the Secretary of the Government of Norte de Santander, Juan Felipe Corzo, said that the Public Force will increase the control and inspection work on the trails. “The steps are legally closed and we are going to guarantee that an effective control is carried out so that this problem can be reduced”, Corzo specified.

General Marcos Pinto, commander of the Army’s Second Division, said that for two months, More than 700 soldiers carry out operations in the border municipality of Puerto Santander and in the Vigilancia villages, Totumito and Banco de Arena, where gangs and armed groups commit crimes with greater force.

For his part, General Ramiro Castrillón Lara, commander of the Region Five Police, warned that they work on the individualization of people who profit from the irregular passage of migrants.

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According to Decree 1297 of 2020 of the National Government, the closure of land, sea and river border crossings in the country is in effect until November 1.

EL TIEMPO correspondent

Read also:

-More than 2,000 deaths from operations in poor Venezuelan neighborhoods: UN
-The UN links the Maduro regime with crimes against humanity
-Why does the National Guard attack the FARC dissidents in Venezuela?
