Venezuelan Foreign Minister attacks Duque for speech before UN


“The hypocrisy of @IvanDuque is too much. He presents himself as a hero of peace, human rights, the fight against drug trafficking. It is impossible to believe a single statement”Arreaza wrote on his Twitter account and added:

“The International Community is not stupid, Mr. Duque. You stand before the world as an unparalleled liar ”.

Duque, among various topics, wanted to pay tribute this Tuesday to social leaders and other victims of violence in Colombia, of whom he said “build a more dignified society”, in his message to the United Nations General Assembly.

We recognize that vocation to them and to all Colombians to build a future, to do so by healing wounds, healing them, but, at the same time, so that the fraternity, within the framework of a certain legality, makes us feel proud, “said the Colombian president.

Near a thousand social leaders and 228 former FARC guerrillas have been assassinated in Colombia since the signing of the peace agreement with that group, in November 2016, according to data from different organizations.

Violence has also increased in the poorest and most forgotten regions of Colombia where this year more than 50 massacres have been perpetrated with at least 246 victims, according to data from the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz).

Another of the topics Duque spoke was about protecting the environment, especially that of the moors, which as he said in his speech to protect them is a “universal duty”.

Therefore, in the midst of the discussion about the proposal of the National mining in areas surrounding the páramo, several people, including Daniel Sampar Ospina, They ask him to apply his speech given today and not to authorize “destroying” Santurbán.

It is impossible for presidential cynicism to reach the level of offering this statement and then authorizing them to destroy Santurbán …”Samper Ospina wrote on Twitter.
