Valle reported fifteen deaths from covid-19 this Thursday, eight correspond to Cali


September 24, 2020 – 05:41 pm

Newsroom of El País

The Ministry of Health confirmed 6,555 new cases of covid-19 in Colombia and raised the general count to 790,823 cases, since the health emergency began in the country. Although new infections continue to appear, the number of active cases continues to decline and this Thursday is 89,282.

In addition, in the bulletin of this day they reported 178 deaths associated with the coronavirus, of which 164 correspond to previous days. The consolidated number is 24,924 deaths to date.

Regarding those recovered, the Ministry registered 12,684 in the last hours and increased the total number to 674,961 patients.

In Valle del Cauca, 624 new cases were reported and the total number of infected is 59,212, since the first case was confirmed in the region. In addition, there were fifteen associated deaths, eight of them in Cali. The other deaths were located in the municipalities of Palmira, Pradera, El Cerrito and Jamundí.

News in development …

The cases identified in this bulletin are distributed in Bogotá (1,328), Antioquia (1,022), Valle (624), Cundinamarca (505), Huila (369), Santander (358), Meta (264), Boyacá (254), Cesar (251), Caquetá (193), Tolima (170), Risaralda (160), Cauca (138) and Caldas (121).

Today, below the barrier of 100 cases are Arauca (94), Nariño (83), Sucre (82), La Guajira (81), Norte de Santander (69), Barranquilla (56), Quindío (47), Cartagena (41), Casanare (39), Bolívar (28), Santa Marta (26), Córdoba (25), San Andrés (24), Atlántico (23), Magdalena (23), Guainía (16), Putumayo (16) , Guaviare (11), Chocó (8), Amazonas (2), Vaupés (2) and Vichada (2).
