Valle registered 28 deaths from covid-19 this Monday, Colombia has already exceeded 44 thousand deaths


January 04, 2021 – 05:59 pm

Newsroom of El País

This Monday the Ministry of Health reported 222 deaths from covid-19 in the country and raised to 44,187 the total number of deaths in Colombia associated with the coronavirus, since the start of the health emergency.

In addition, 10,311 new positives were identified and the total number of infected is now 1,686,131, of which 85,278 are active.

In the Valley, 28 deaths from the disease were reported, 20 of them in Cali. The other deaths were registered in Palmira (3), Cartago (2), Tuluá (2) and Zarzal. The bulletin also indicates that infections in the region do not give truce and in the last day they rose to 140,721 cases.

Regarding those recovered, the health portfolio reported that 1,552,177 patients have managed to overcome the virus.

Also read: Between four and six hours are waiting for patients who require ICU in Cali, reported the Mayor’s Office

The new positives located are distributed in Bogotá (4,798), Antioquia (2,279), Valle (418), Cundinamarca (328), Tolima (299), Barranquilla (281), Caldas (258), Risaralda (188), Santander (181 ), Norte de Santander (141), Cartagena (165), Boyacá (139), Atlántico (132), Cauca (108) and Quindío (100).

Meta (99), Huila (87), Nariño (80), Santa Marta (54), Casanare (34), Sucre (24), Chocó (20), Bolívar (18), Magdalena ( 15), Córdoba (15), Amazonas (13), Cesar (13), Caquetá (9), Putumayo (8), Guaviare (3), La Guajira (2), Guainía (1) and San Andrés (1).
