Valderrama questions Teófilo for not playing 90 minutes Junior vs América, criticizes VAR and says that referees are clowns | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League


Carlos ‘Pibe’ Valderrama, one of the most authoritative voices in Colombian football, was critical but at the same time understanding with Junior, his team, eliminated from the final of the 2020 Betplay League at the hands of América de Cali.

‘El Pibe’ began by criticizing the approach of a Junior who kept Teófilo Gutiérrez, his best man, in a decision that he described as incomprehensible. But he did not blame the DT but the player himself.

“Teofilo the best player on the team and he was injured,” he said wryly. “Now the players are injured to play 45 or 50 minutes. I don’t understand, when we were injured we always wanted to play, we burst on the court. Now the best players in the teams play 20 or 30 minutes because they say ‘we are injured to play one semifinal. “That has to be played until mocho, I burst, but on the court.” No, teacher, I can play but half time “Hombe! The best always play even though they are mochos,” he said on his YouTube channel.

Teofilo played in the complement and changed the face of the game and Junior, which is why the decision to reserve it was controversial. “We scored three goals, the referee was only worth one,” added Valderrama.

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Kid Valderrama

Kid Valderrama

But the most acid criticism went directly to the VAR, for those two goal plays that Junior was annulled out of place, once by Teófilo and once by Miguel Borja.

“Borja’s goal and Teófilo’s out of place, we’re going to be worth that. But Fuentes’s goal, which was a great goal, not that Borja’s ‘ofsai’. That the breeze was half in my hair, ‘ofsai’ and to go to VAR. America’s penalty, the hand of Didier Moreno, well, Adrián charges and a goal. But the hand of Velasco, the same as Didier, that they did not see in the VAR, “he criticized.

“I don’t understand this pod and what they told the VAR that it was ‘offside’. I don’t have that pod. I thought the VAR came to help the referees, but the referees no longer whistle. They enter the court and do nothing. No Only in Colombia, all over the world. That VAR is useless for ‘na’, let them remove the referees, they are made clowns. Before they made determinations and were wrong, perfect because they are human beings, but now they are not useful for ‘na’. .. Just as they invented that, that they invent another pod and that the VAR whistle the matches “.

For Valderrama, the panorama is increasingly bleak: “football without an audience, football without referees, football is over.”

In the opinion of the renowned Junior fan, in the end he was lost but the team did not disappoint him: “I have to congratulate the boys for the second half, eliminated but with berraquera, now we have to go to Chile to win, you have to save the year”.
