Vaccine against COVID-19 would arrive in the middle of 2021, according to Duque


The head of state indicated from Villavicencio that, according to a message sent “in real time” by WHO and PAHO, Currently there are about 200 experimental vaccines against COVID-19 in some phase of development and, of these, between eight and nine are in phase three of clinical studies.

“We expect the doses to start reaching countries in mid-2021,” stressed President Duque, citing a trill (which you can see below) from world health authorities.

After the message, Duque mentioned that all Colombians “must assume” that the vaccine will begin to arrive in the country next year, and recalled that when this happens, a strategy to distribute it is ready.

“It consists of the first stages of an eventual distribution, concentrating on people with the highest risk, those over 65 years of age, people with comorbidities and, of course, also serving the medical population,” said the president.

The president also added that if this vaccination plan is developed in the country what is going to be achieved is to substantially reduce the fatality risks of COVID-19 and, while this happens, processes will be advanced to continue accessing more doses.

These were the words of President Iván Duque in the middle of an event in Meta:
