Vaccination: Nurse administered 2 vaccines to a woman in less than a minute – Other Cities – Colombia


Although she has not presented health problems, Mrs. Rosalba García de González, 92, denounced that the Sinovac vaccine against covid-19 had been applied on two occasions but what surprises her is that it was done in the same arm, in less than a minute and by the same nurse at the Canaima hospital, in Neiva, Huila.

The same nurse hit me with two blows and in the second, which hurt a little, I spilled blood and even soaked the cotton, “said Dona Rosalba, who lives with relatives in Los Alpes, a sector stratum one of the commune 8 of Neiva.

He clarifies that, “thank God, I have my 5 senses well set because I see, listen, sleep well, eat well and feel everything that happens to my body.”

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Nubia González stated that his mother enjoys full alertness and she said that she was transferred at 6 o’clock in the afternoon on March 12 to the Canaima hospital because the ESE Carmen Emilia Ospina made the summons to her by telephone.

“I accompanied her and I was a little withdrawn from the procedure because I am nervous about the injections, but another relative was by her side,” said Nubia.

In dialogue with EL TIEMPO, Mrs. Rosalba García assured that were two vaccines “applied in one minute, or a little less, and by the same nurse ”.

“Around 6 in the afternoon the nurse lifted the sleeve on my left arm blouse and in seconds she gave me the first injection from which I did not feel any pain,” he said.

She remained seated in the chair to rest for half an hour but her surprise was enormous when she saw that, a minute later, the same nurse returned to the chair with another vaccine in her hands.

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I told her that she had already given me the vaccine, but she ignored it and put the second syringe in the blink of an eye “

“When I saw that I was going to get another blow I told her that she had already given me the vaccine, but she did not pay attention, and he put the second syringe in me in the blink of an eye, ”said the lady, adding that a relative also warned the nurse about this situation.

What surprises this woman born in Neiva is that “it was the same nurse who vaccinated me twice, that is very strange.”

That day, when she saw the faces of concern in her relatives, anguish invaded her and she even thought “that she could die” which triggered nerves and high blood pressure problems, being treated in a timely manner by the doctors.

The scare passed after a while because my tension normalized and I was fine, then they transferred me to the house ”, she assured and clarified that she has suffered from hypertension and glycemia but these difficulties have always been controlled“ so at 92 years of life I consider myself a healthy, healthy woman ”.

“Today I feel very good health, nothing has hurt, I have not even had a headache, and I owe all that to the blessings of my God,” he said.

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Amid the confusion, Ms. Rosalba García wonders “if it is necessary to apply another dose, since they supposedly called me for the second vaccine on April 19.”

“I don’t understand why the same nurse hit me twice, She got nervous, but the truth has not given me an explanationyes, ”he said.

José Antonio Múñoz, manager of ESE Carmen Emilia Ospina, from Neiva, stated that the fact is subject to review and analysis.

“It is a failure of an individual nature rather than an institutional one, it is not a failure of logistics, but It is our responsibility to make the adjustments so that it does not recur”, Stated the manager and pointed out that the institution has administered 1,400 vaccines without any adverse reaction in the patients.

“We are closely monitoring the woman in this case, we have been aware of her health and she is in good condition,” said Muñoz.

Doctors and epidemiologists consulted affirmed that Mrs. Rosalba García Yes you need another dose because the first vaccine, even if it was double, “It generates an immune response but for that moment and must be reinforced with the second dose in the time interval of 28 days in the case of Sinovac.”


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