Uribismo asks the Norwegian Committee to withdraw Nobel Peace Prize from Santos


Senator María Fernanda Cabal assured that the award was delivered hastily and without solid evidence of the result of the Peace Agreement. He also claimed that crimes were committed for the 2014 reelection and the plebiscite.

Through a letter addressed to Berit Reiss-Anderse, Chairman of the Norwegian Committee, the senator Maria Fernanda Cabal (Democratic Center) asked him to withdraw the Nobel Peace awarded in 2016 to the former president Juan Manuel Santos.

According to the congresswoman, the Committee “rushed” upon presenting his award in 2016, as it was awarded “Without solid evidence of the result” of the Peace Agreement which, he assured, has ended in citizen nonconformity for the impunity granted to the Farc as responsible for heinous crimes.

Among others, the senator gives an account of the recent revelations made by Bernard No no Elijah Former senator of the U Party, who has appeared from a cell in La Picota prison, in Bogotá, where he has been held for three years. On the first stage, he relived the alleged episode of the entrance of illegal money to the re-election campaign of Juan Manuel Santos, in 2014, through alleged business between Odebrecht and the former campaign manager, Roberto Prieto.

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“The aforementioned former congressman has made delicate revelations that directly link former President Santos with Eleuberto Martorelli, one of the Odebrecht executives, within the maneuvers carried out to achieve illegal contributions for financing of his re-election campaign in 2014, ”claims Cabal.

Additionally, remember the investigation carried out by the National Electoral Council (CNE) on the relationship of the Santos campaign with the Odebrecht for alleged illegal financing. “According to statements by former Senator Elias, he also contributed to the campaign led by the Santos Government in favor of Yes in the plebiscite called to endorse the Peace Agreement ”, he says.

In her letter, the uribismo senator insists that the former president “used illegal means” to secure his re-election in 2014 and to promote the Peace Agreement for which he was awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

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For Cabal, Santos failed to meet the expectations that the Committee and a large part of the international community contributed to the peace process. Additionally, it warns that Colombia continues to be a country threatened by drug trafficking and terrorism, and that 2,600 men and 1,970 members of support networks in 20 departments remain in arms.

“These criminal structures control the 93.5% of coca crops in the country and are responsible for at least one 14% of the murders of social leaders in Colombia ”, adds Cabal, who warns that the UN Mission and the Colombian Public Force have found at least 1,101 weapons depots nor reported by the guerrillas.

In addition to insisting that in 2018, when the Santos period ended, the number of hectares planted with coca leaf had reached 208,000 crops that, in addition to illegal mining and other illicit businesses, Cabal claims that –according to the Office of the High Commissioner for Stabilization–, The FARC “did not fully comply with their obligation to deliver the illicit goods.”

“Of the billion pesos reported in their inventories, only about 50% is monetizable in favor of compensating the victims. Additionally, on December 31, the date on which the deadline established by the Government of Iván Duque expired, they had only delivered around 50 billion pesos, “he explained.

“We know that the Nobel Peace Prize cannot admit the commission of crimes to guarantee presidential re-election or the approval of peace accords rejected by the primary constituent ”, he specified in the letter.
