United Kingdom: Reconfinement of London and southern England ordered by covid-19 – Europe – International


London, the southeast and east of England will go to level 4 (serious) risk of covid-19 this Sunday, with the closure of non-essential stores, due to the rise in cases of the virus, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced this Saturday.

The ‘premier’, who held a meeting of the Government, reported at a press conference that restrictions will also be tightened during the Christmas period in these areas after detecting a new variant of covid-19.

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“It appears that this spread is fueled by a new variant of the virus,” which is transmitted “much more easily,” he said.

The authorities indicated that they have already alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) about the discovery of this new strain, that spreads faster although there is no evidence that it is more lethal or that it may have an impact in the effectiveness of the vaccines developed against covid-19, although this point is being urgently evaluated for confirmation.

Stores that sell non-essential items, gyms, movie theaters, and hair salons They will be forced to close for a period of two weeks, while the meeting of one person with another who does not live under the same roof will be authorized only outdoors, said the head of the Government.

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Covid-19 in London

London, the British capital, has been seriously affected by the increase in covid-19 infections.

Also, at Christmas, those who live on this levell 4 – severe – will not be able to meet others outside of their family “bubble”.

The prime minister asked the people who are in the different levels of restrictions in which England is divided, depending on the number of cases, to stay in their places of residence while the population must “carefully consider whether there is a need to travel abroad” .

Also, those who live in areas with level 4, Similar to a lockdown, they will not be allowed to travel abroad, albeit with “limited exceptions.”, as it can be for work.

The ‘premier’ has asked residents of level 4 to work from home, while he has modified the plans for the Christmas period by establishing that those who are in levels 1, 2 and 3 of restrictions -low, moderate and substantial- Only three groups from different roofs can meet on the 25th alone.

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It appears that this spread is fueled by a new variant of the virus

Until this Saturday, these meetings were authorized between December 22 and 28, to give flexibility to families.

England’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said Saturday that following “preliminary data and the rapid increase in cases in the south-east (of England),” the New Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats (NERVTAG) advisory group ) considers “that the new strain spreads more rapidly”.

“We have alerted the WHO and we continue to analyze available data to improve our understanding” of the virus, he added. Faced with this situation, “it is now more vital than ever for the population to take measures in their area to reduce transmission,” said the medical director.


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