Two million Chinese vaccines that the Government expected will not reach Colombia


On February 25, President Iván Duque declared that he expected two million Chinese Sinovac vaccines to land in Colombia by Monday, March 7. Nevertheless, this Friday the Government confirmed that this weekend a total of 1,096,790 doses will actually arrive, that is to say, little more than half that were initially projected.

“This morning I had the opportunity to speak with the President of the People’s Republic of China and We are expecting two million Sinovac vaccines that should be in the country by March 7“, Said that February 25 the president.

The Ministry of Health shared in the last hours a document in which it detailed how the 1,096,790 vaccines that will actually arrive in the country this weekend will be distributed. Bogotá will receive almost 160,000 doses, the department of Antioquia will receive just over 147,000, while Valle del Cauca will receive almost 117,000 biologicals.

Almost all regions of the country will receive a good number of vaccines from this batch of more than a million that will arrive from China. The only departments to which they will not deliver doses are Amazonas, Vaupés and Guainía, to which they had destined the majority of the 192,000 Chinese vaccines that arrived at the end of February.

The president insisted this Friday that the goal that was initially set of having one million Colombians vaccinated by March 17 is maintained. According to the most recent report from the Ministry of Health, Until this Friday, March 5, a total of 239,851 vaccines had been applied in the national territory.

The last batch that landed in the country was the 117,000 dose of Pfizer that was negotiated through the international mechanism Covax, which arrived on March 1.

Next, the document from the Ministry of Health that indicates how the Chinese vaccines that will arrive in Colombia this weekend will be distributed:

Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health