Two massacres in 6 hours in the department of Bolívar – Other Cities – Colombia


The municipalities of Simití and Carmen de Bolívar, in the department of Bolívar, were the scene of a violent day this Monday, which left six people dead, including a minor.

The multiple crimes were perpetrated with a firearm.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, three men who were mobilizing on a motorcycle through the rural area of ​​the Simití municipality were killed with a firearm.

The incident occurred in the mining area of ​​Los Cagüises, jurisdiction of the town of Monterrey, municipality of Simití, in the south of the department.

It is necessary to coordinate efforts with the Marte Task Force (National Army), in order to be able to deploy a mixed device with units of judicial Police and Army to be able to reach this rural area of ​​the municipality of Simití, ”said Colonel Gustavo Martínez, Magdalena Medio Police Commander.

The first versions of the authorities realize that the area of ​​the massacre is difficult to access.

(We also invite you to read: A minor among the victims of the massacre in El Carmen de Bolívar)

Simití, and in general the south of Bolívar, is a mining region where the Eln guerrillas and criminal gangs such as the ‘Gulf clan’ are present. that profit from extortion, illegal mining and drug trafficking.

The first hypothesis of the crime is related to a territorial ‘vendetta’ between drug dealers at the service of the ‘clan of

‘Vendetta’ leaves mourning in Carmen de Bolívar

Six hours later, at 7:30 pm, the Bolívar authorities reported a new act of blood, this time in the municipality of Carmen de Bolívar.

As far as the Villa María neighborhood, Las Lomas sector, in the capital of Montes de María, two men arrived on motorcycles and fired at a group of people who were chatting on public roads.

Two men who were identified as Jesús Benites Pineda (18 years old) and Farid Luna Sierra (17 years old) died at the scene.

The third fatality was Jorge García Barrios (37 years old), who was transferred to the city of Sincelejo, where he died in a health center.
Three more people were injured.

“The first hypothesis of the crime is related to a vendetta between drug dealers in the service of the ‘Gulf Clan’ ”, said Carlos Feliz Monsalve, secretary of the Interior of the department.

According to the Police, one of the murdered men had two notes for drug trafficking and had been captured in the municipality of Carmen de Bolívar.

(In addition, we invite you to read: They denounce a new massacre in Lower Cauca antioqueño)

In the Carmen de Bolívar, 20 people have been murdered so far this year.

In the Carmen de Bolívar, 20 people have been murdered so far this year.

Today, first thing in the morning, a security council is held in Carmen de Bolívar.

In this municipality, so far this year, 14 security councils and three public order committees have been summoned to confront the criminal actions of the ‘Gulf clan’ and drug trafficking.

According to the mayor of the municipality, Carlos Torres, the triple homicide of last night is added to the 17 violent deaths that are going this year in the region, of which eight attacks occurred in the high mountains.

On August 12, 37 families from the Caño Negro village, in Carmen de Bolívar, left before the threats and the criminal actions of a cell of the ‘Gulf Clan’ that controls the mobility and schedules of this community.

Three days after the massive displacement, the families returned to the territory in the company of men from the National Navy.

The omission and inertia of the institutionality have facilitated the creation of a ‘strategic corridor’ for the ‘Gulf clan’ / Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces for the mobility of the

So far this year, in the Montes de María the Navy has seized 260 kilograms of cocaine and there have been 44 arrests of members of the ‘Gulf clan’.

Among the captures is Pedro Jesús Sanabria, alias Brasil, second head of the ‘Héroes del Caribe’ substructure.

Yesterday’s massacres in Bolívar are the result of a spiral of violence, insecurity and threats to peasant leaders, that today they are in the middle of the micro and drug trafficking routes, and the bullets of criminal gangs, headed by the ‘Gulf clan’.

This is revealed by the Observatory of Political Culture, Peace, Coexistence and Development of the Montes de María, of the University of Cartagena, in the study ‘Los Montes de María: between institutional fragility and the return to the past’, published last month of August.

The omission and inertia of the institutionality have facilitated the creation of a ‘strategic corridor’ for the ‘Gulf Clan’ / Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces that connects the coastal zone of the subregion, with the savannah and the high mountains, for the mobility of micro-trafficking, social and territorial control for their criminal actions, ”says a separate study.

According to investigators, armed criminal cells are operating in the area today, made up of a handful of men with handguns, who travel on high-end motorcycles and vans and as subsidiaries of the ‘Gulf Clan’ / Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces.

The repositioning of illegal armed actors, the increase in violent deaths and the rise of micro-trafficking have led to situations that were believed to have been overcome in the Montes de María “, underlines academic research.

The situation in the region prompted the Ombudsman’s Office to issue early warning 006 of 2020, accrediting the risks to the population of Carmen de Bolívar.

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation also drew attention to the risk of the communities after the departure of the families from the Caño Negro village.

We also invite you to read:

They denounce a new massacre in Lower Cauca antioqueño

They kill three men in Simití, south of Bolívar

