Truth about Camilo Vargas’s supposed positive for COVID-19 before Colombia is called to play against Uruguay and Ecuador (COLOMBIA SELECTION, Diego Cocca, Qatar 2022 Qualifiers)


In the first 2 games of ‘La Tricolor’ in the Qatar 2022 World Cup Qualifiers, the first official minutes of the goalkeeper were given in the senior team, something that happened because David Ospina could not travel due to contact with players who were infected in Napoli . Well, last Saturday, November 7, a possible positive for COVID-19 was reported of Camilo Vargas before the call of Colombia, but after the truth was revealed.

And it was not false news or a rumor, since the Atlas de Guadalajara coach announced that it was true that the Colombian had a test with a positive result, that is why he did not travel to the match against Tigres de Monterrey. But nevertheless Diego Cocca himself He explained that in a second test the goalkeeper tested negative and everything was fine with him.

Video: Clarification of the positive for COVID-19 of Camilo Vargas before the call of Colombia

Obviously when it was known that Camilo had tested positive, what happened for the previous round of Qualifying was relived, when Ospina, Luis Díaz and Mateus Uribe could not travel from Europe. But Cocca’s statements reassured Carlos Queiroz’s coaching staff:

“Camilo surprised us, because a study was done before traveling, the day we were to travel in the afternoon, and it came out positive. So for prevention and because he did not give us the logistics so that he could travel, he stayed.

And another study was done and it was negative, things that happen with this virus. The peace of mind is that Camilo is fine … “

It must be remembered that this positive for COVID-19 by Camilo Vargas before the call of Colombia could put him in doubt to be on the list that will be released by ‘La Tricolor’ on the day of Sunday, November 8. Just 5 days before playing against Uruguay in Barranquilla and 8 days before playing against Ecuador in Quito.

>> More news of the Colombia team in ComuTricolor <
