Trump certified Colombia in the fight against drug trafficking but asks to resume spraying


September 16, 2020 – 04:31 pm


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, certified Colombia’s work in the fight against drug trafficking, but warned about the need for the country to soon resume aerial spraying against illicit crops, if it wants to meet its eradication goals.

The warning was made by Trump in a document that periodically corresponds to him to elaborate on the production of drugs in the world and the work of all countries to confront it.

The US president included Colombia in the list of countries that play the largest role in the production or transit of drugs, although he clarifies that this situation does not necessarily reflect the efforts that each country makes to address the issue of the fight against drug trafficking.

Already specifically on the case of Colombia, Trump affirms that “President Duque and his government remain close collaborators of the United States and the military and police forces have shown great courage and commitment to confront high-ranking traffickers. level, catch drug shipments and manually eradicate coca crops ”.

Also read: Duque hopes to have protocols for spraying with glyphosate before the end of the year

But, immediately afterwards, he criticizes, in particular, the fact that aerial spraying has not yet resumed in the country.

“However, coca cultivation and cocaine production continue at unacceptable levels. To reach our shared 5-year goal of halving cocaine cultivation and production and coca crops by 2023, Colombia must resume aerial spraying, which remains an irreplaceable tool in addition to manual eradication and alternative development. ”, He adds.

The fight against drug trafficking is one of the topics on which President Iván Duque and the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, who will be visiting the country this weekend, will talk.
