Tremor in Chile today, January 23 – Latin America – International


Two earthquakes of 7 and 5.9 magnitude on the Richter scale shook this Saturday, just 30 minutes apart, Antarctica and central Chile, respectively, and the Chilean authorities asked evacuate the coastal areas of the frozen continent due to the risk of tsnunami.

The National Emergency Office (Onemi) explained that the first earthquake took place around 8:36 p.m. local time (23:36 GMT), 210 kilometers east of the Eduardo Frei Base, which supports all kinds of scientific research. and from where 80 people were evacuated.

(Also read: Baraya, the municipality of Huila where the earthquake that scared the country occurred)

40 people were also removed from the Bernardo O’Higgins Base, managed by the Chilean Navy, as well as personnel from other nearby foreign bases, and so far no damage has been reported.

After the earthquake, the citizens of Chile received an alert message on their mobile phones
in which it was requested to evacuate all the beaches due to the risk of a tsunami and there were several scenes of panic recorded throughout the country, which is in the middle of the summer season, with thousands of people on vacation in the coastal areas.

Local networks broadcast images of entire families fleeing the beaches and climbing the hills and citizens crowding into the gas stations to fill up the car tanks.

(It may interest you: Tremor in Colombia: learn what is known after the strong earthquake)

The Onemi later clarified that the alert was a digitization error and that the evacuation referred only to the Antarctic territory.

“Attention. We reiterate that no evacuation has been declared for the coastline at the national level, only for the beach area of ​​the Antarctic territory”, insisted the institution dependent on the Ministry of the Interior in its Twitter account.

Just thirty minutes after the earthquake in Antarctica, a new earthquake measuring 5.9 degrees in magnitude and 122.4 kilometers deep, occurred at 9:07 p.m. local time (00:07 GMT), 14 kilometers east of Farellones , in the central zone of the Andes mountain range.

The earthquake, which caused neither damage nor victims, was felt with special intensity in Santiago, where hundreds of people left their homes, also confused by the erroneous emergency message.

(See also: Even parties are lived in Wuhan one year after the closure of the city)

Since colonial times, Chile, with 19 million inhabitants, has had at least 80 earthquakes, which in the last 60 years alone have caused more than 40,730 deaths.

Located in the so-called Cordón de Fuego del Pacífico, Chile is considered one of the most seismic countries on the planet and suffered its last major earthquake in February 2010, It was 8.8 degrees of magnitude and caused more than 525 deaths.


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