Transcaribe free on Sunday and Monday due to collection crisis | THE UNIVERSAL


Although one of the members of the collection consortium, Dataprom, announced to suspend its services to the system and its users, Transcaribe assures that it will not suspend the provision of the service.

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“The System works to establish a contingency plan to minimize the consequences of the situation, in the shortest time possible. However, given the imminence of the threat, we are obliged to free access to stations and vehicles, at least on Sunday 21 and Monday 22 March 2021, in order to guarantee Cartagena’s right to mobility ”Says the statement, which means that users will be able to access the stations and buses of the system at no cost.

Problems between partners

In the statement of the representatives of Transcaribe, they assure that they do not understand “what is the intention of this member of the collection consortium with this threat, if their claims have been addressed by Transcaribe. In a meeting held on March 8, we were clear in requesting a single position from the consortium (and not separate positions from each member), since it is with the consortium that Transcaribe has a contractual relationship. To date, this has not happened ”.

Transcaribe in the middle of the crossfire

According to the statement, the Dataprom representative requested the early termination of the contract due to “force majeure”, while the Smartmatic representative requested the reestablishment of the economic balance of the contract. “They are diametrically opposed requests that prevent Transcaribe from printing the procedure provided in the concession contract,” the document states.


“None of the clauses of the concession contract signed between Transcaribe and Colcard, grants powers to one of the members of the consortium to stop providing the service unilaterally” they warn from the massive system, and understanding that they are facing the provision of an “essential public service legally and constitutionally protected”.


“If the intention of the consortium is to terminate the contract, it must continue to provide, yes or yes, the service until the term indicated by Transcaribe, and under the conditions of efficiency, quality and timeliness indicated in the contract.” Transcaribe indicates that it has already requested by letter to the representatives of the Colcard consortium to clarify their position with respect to what was stated by one of its members. “We also demand a contingency plan from Colcard in the face of the possibility of paralysis in the provision of the contracted service,” the statement concluded.
