tourist died; alleged witness says there was no help


The deceased person, identified as César Augusto Bolaño (a native of Bogotá), would have suffered a cramp while swimming in the seareported the regional portal Zona Cero.

That local media detailed that the events occurred in the San Juan beach, from that park tourist from the Colombian Caribbean coast.

According to the reports from that portal, some lifeguards would have tried save to the man. However, an alleged witness to the events said otherwise.

“A young man drowned. At that time there was no lifeguard, there was no nurse, there was no float, there was no rope, there was nothing, “said the unidentified man in a video posted on Twitter.

Later, he said that his brother and a foreign tourist they would have tried to help the deceased, but it was too late.

“My brother and another person tried to help him. There was no one. I can testify that there was no one. People had to join towels and shirts to make a rescue rope, “added the citizen.

The alleged witness to the events added that after a few minutes a nurse came to the site, but did not have the tools to do his work.

“About 20 minutes later a nurse arrived who did not have the supplies to Save it“, concluded the man.

This is the video of the alleged witness of the events:
