Tomorrow the selective isolation begins, the virus is not gone: Duke


President Iván Duque assured in the ‘Prevention and Action’ program that Colombia is entering a new stage of selective isolation and the guard against COVID-19 must not be lowered.

“Tomorrow a new stage begins, it is the stage of selective isolation with responsible social distancing,” said President Duque.

«The virus has not left Colombia, the virus is circulating, you cannot lower your guard. We all have to be on the alert«, Added the president.

The National Government reminded Colombians that «there is still no effective vaccine, no effective treatment and no one acquires immunity«.

For them, he reiterated that physical distancing, the use of a mask, constant hand washing, the use of antibacterial agents and compliance with biosafety protocols is key.

As of this September 1, Colombia enters a new phase in the fight against COVID-19 called selective isolation.


This will depend on the mayoralty and governorates of the country and may apply by zones or by total closures.

It is intended that people with symptoms or who have had contact with positive cases of COVID-19 yes preventively.

Colombia registers to date 615,168 cases confirmed, 19,663 deaths and 459,475 and recovered.
