Tomás Uribe’s proposal for employers and workers


In the last hours Tomás Uribe surprised on his social networks asking for an agreement between workers and businessmen to reach a 4% increase in the minimum wage and reduce the working day by 4 hours a week (today it is 48 hours). That would give an effective increase of more than 12%, because it would be 8% less work and 4% more money. The current proposal of the unions is 14% and employers only reach 2% at the salary negotiation table.

Tomás’ idea turns out to be Solomonic and closer to what the workers ask for. Thus, there would be more time to share with the family and participate in recreational activities. This would help in the economic reactivation. Colombia is one of the countries with the longest working hours in Latin America with 48 hours a week. Brazil has 40, as do Ecuador and Uruguay, while Argentina has 35, Paraguay 30, and Chile, the most developed country in the region, also has 30.

Another example is Germany, which in the last 67 years has reduced its working day by 55% and is 34 hours a week. In that country the GDP per capita has increased 10 times.

In the era of knowledge and technology, advanced countries have managed to generate growth, employment and well-being through greater productivity and a better quality of life for their citizens.

Carlos Slim, one of the richest men in the world, insists on reducing the work week to 3 days with a total of 33 hours. More than populist, Tomás’ ideas are visionary.

The interest:

– Minimum salary 2021: one of the last days was spent to reach an agreement and there was no progress

– “What I know how to do is create a company, I don’t know about politics, I don’t know about jam, I don’t know about Congress”: Tomás Uribe
