Today the transit of motorcycles with barbecue is not allowed in Ibagué


On the occasion of the visit of President Iván Duque, the Mayor’s Office of Ibagué announced a few minutes ago that during this Friday the transit of motorcycles with barbecue will not be allowed. The surprising restriction will be in effect continuously until 6 pm this Friday.

In accordance with the provisions of the second article of decree 0080 issued by the Municipal Government, the restriction applies to male or female motorcycle companions of all ages, and includes the following exceptions:

Penalties for offenders

The document also establishes that those who violate the measure will be entitled to “the pecuniary sanctions and immobilization of the vehicle indicated in numeral C14 of article 131 of the National Traffic Code.”

Thus, with the exception of the 6 points previously exposed, no motorcyclist will be able to travel with a companion in the urban area and the rural area between 6 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon of this Friday. Violators will be punished with immobilization.

Other measures

During the same period, the transport of rubble and cylinders will not be allowed, and road closures will be carried out as considered by the Ministry of Mobility to guarantee the safety of President Iván Duque and the other officials of the National Government.

Criticisms for the Mayor’s Office

Although the restrictions, according to the decree, began at 6 in the morning, the Mayor’s Office of Ibagué informed them at 6:53 am when the citizens were already in compliance with their duties. In social networks they reject the lack of prior and timely socialization.
