To pay more tolls: these are the new points on the roads of Cundinamarca


Three new booths will be installed on the roads of the department, to recover 500 kilometers of road network. Although the administration assured that Cundinamarqueses will have a special rate, they expressed their disagreement. How to access to the benefits?

From Wednesday, February 10, traveling through the roads of Cundinamarca will be more expensive. As of that date, three new tolls will come into operation that, according to the government, are part of the ‘Plan 500 in Cundinamarca’, whose objective is to collect resources to recover 500 kilometers of roads. In total, the initiative will be financed with five collection points, of which two are already operating.

See: Coronavirus in Colombia: 135 fans will arrive in Cundinamarca

Thus, the three tolls that will come into operation will be the following:

  • Pacho booth: Located on the road between Zipaquirá and La Palma. This will be the first toll that will open on February 10.
  • La Balsa Booth: Located between the Via de Ubaté and Villapinzón. It will rule from next Friday, February 12.
  • Grinder shed: It will operate in Vía Guasca – Gachetá – Ubalá – Gachalá (Troncal del Guavio). It will take effect from Monday, February 15.

These booths will join two others that already exist, such as San Miguel, located on the road that leads from Sibaté to Fusagasugá, and Nuevo Salto, on the road that leads from Salto del Tequendama to El Colegio.

Grass: They propose in Congress that the minimum distance between tolls is 150 kilometers

Although the strategy has a clear objective, the inhabitants of the department expressed their annoyance, since many of them have to move through these routes on a daily basis. However, the departmental administration assured that there will be a special rate for cars, camper vans and trucks from the surrounding municipalities, as long as they comply with the requirements established by the Government.

“Rate 1, which is the rate for campers and trucks, will cost $ 7,500. But for residents of the area of ​​influence of our roads and who are permanent users of the corridors, they will not have a charge for the first year of operation of our booths”Stressed Nancy Valbuena, manager of the Cundinamarca Institute of Infrastructure and Concessions (ICCU).

In the case of category II vehicles, that is, passenger transport, tolls will cost $ 1,500, while heavy transport (categories III, IV and V) will have a rate between $ 24,800 and $ 45,400.

Requirements to access the special rates

The ICCU presented the following requirements to be met by those who wish to apply to the special rates in the new tolls. Note that, in addition to meeting them, you must fill out the form and the guide arranged on the entity’s website.

Cars, trucks and vans

  • Have traveled at least 4 steps per month (round trip)
  • That belongs to category I
  • That resides in the department of the area of ​​influence of the booth
  • If you are the owner of the property where you reside, present a certificate of tradition and freedom of the property.
  • If you are the tenant of the property where you reside, present a housing lease agreement authenticated in your name and certificate of tradition and freedom of the property where the address and name of the owner appear.
  • Residence certificate issued by the mayor, Police inspector and / or corregidor of the department.
  • Photocopy of the vehicle owner’s identity card
  • Photocopy of the vehicle’s traffic license
  • SOAT photocopy
  • Photocopy of the last public service payment receipt in the applicant’s name
  • Special rate applicant form

Public Transport Service:

  • Certificate of incorporation of the transport company
  • Photocopy of the operation card
  • Photocopy of the owner’s citizenship card
  • Photocopy of the vehicle’s traffic license
  • Route authorization resolution issued by the competent authority.