Three-year-old girl who died of a coronavirus in Colombia


The girl’s identity was not revealed, but the wallet stated that she lived in the municipality of Magüí Payán (Nariño). In this way, the youngest became one of the 463 people who died until this Sunday of the coronavirus in Colombia since this disease came to the country two months ago.

The Ministry of Health highlighted that the girl had no previous comorbidities, which makes her death even more strange.

Doctor who died of coronavirus in Bogotá

Last month a couple of deaths from coronavirus in newborn children were known in the country, but these cases are not very rare.

Nariño was one of the departments that most infected with COVID-19 confirmed in Colombia during the last day (34). This territory has a total of 296 positive cases identified and is the ninth with the highest number in the entire country.

This Sunday, Colombia exceeded 11,000 cases of coronavirus, after 568 new ones were identified in the last 24 hours. 136 people won the battle against the coronavirus in the last day, in such a way that the number of recovered in the country is already 2,705.

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"," seo ":" Coronavirus in Colombia: new cases and deaths today May 10 "}," phrases ": {" main ":" This Sunday May 10 the Ministry of Health confirmed 5600 new infected with COVID-19. The national figure changed from 10,495 to 11,063. "}," Categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nacion "," name ":" Naci u00f3n "}," urls ": {" main ":" / nacion / coronavirus-colombia-new-cases-dead-today-May-10-PP896133 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" sergio. jacome "," name ":" Sergio Jacome "}," owner ": {" id ":" "," name ":" "," image ":" "," profile ":" "," url ": "", "twitter": {"title": "", "url": ""}, "urlFacebook": "", "email": "", "linkPersonal": "", "teamPulzo": "" , "short_text": "", "large_text": ""}}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "censorship": "0", "unpublishImage": "0", " ext ":" jpg "," created ": 1589132397," updated ": 1589132611," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" Coronavirus "," credit ":" Getty Images "," des cription ":" Coronavirus "," alt ":" Coronavirus "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20200510151142 /gettyimages-1217096077.webp "}," types " : {"thumb": "https: / / / images / 20200510151142 /gettyimages-1217096077-150x150.webp", "mobile": "https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront. net / images / 20200510151142 /gettyimages-1217096077-280x185.webp "," medium ":" https: / / / images / 20200510151142 /gettyimages-1217096077-420x278.webp " , "large": "https: / / / images / 20200510151142 /gettyimages-1217096077-900x485.webp", "vertical": "https: / / / images / 20200510151142 /gettyimages-1217096077-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20200510151142 /gettyimages-1217096077-592x350.webp ", "gif": ""}}, "videos": {"main": {"image": "", "url": "", "title": "", "embeded": ""}}, " externalUrl ":" "," carousel ":" 0 "," trinoTW ":" "," liveBlog ":" 0 "," shorthand ":" "," audio ":" https: / / d2y / pulzo-lite / audios /PP896133.mp3 "," tags ":["Colombia","coronavirus"], "sources":[{"title":"Ministerio de Salud","url":"","source":"Ministerio de Salud"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

The new 568 infected were distributed in the country as follows: u00a0Bogot u00e1 (127), Amazonas (94), Cartagena (92), Barranquilla (37) , Nari u00f1o (34), Huila (31), Tolima (27), Atl u00e1ntico (26), Meta (25), La Guajira (12), Valle (11), C u00f3rdoba (8), Boyac u00e1 (6), Bol u00edvar (5), Cauca (5), Norte de Santander (5), Cundinamarca (5), Magdalena (5), Santa Marta (3), Sucre (2), Antioquia (2), Choc u00f3 (1), Putumayo (1), Caquet u00e1 (1), Quind u00edo (1), Cesar (1) and Casanare (1).


With the 18 deceased who were registered in the u00faltimo d u00eda, u00a0The total death toll in the country went from 445 u00a0 to 463. The people who died are:


u2013 70-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study
n u2013 82-year-old man in Puerto Nari u00f1o (Amazonas). Comorbidities: smoking.
n u2013 45-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study
n u2013 95-year-old man in Neiva. Comorbidities: chronic kidney disease
n u2013 39-year-old woman in Melgar (Tolima). Comorbidities: polyneuropathy
n u2013 27-year-old man in Ibagu u00e9. Comorbidities: HIV.
n u2013 25-year-old man in Ibagu u00e9. Comorbidities: HIV
n u2013 77-year-old man in Bogot u00e1. Comorbidities: kidney disease and HT.
n u2013 49-year-old woman in Soledad (Atlântico). Comorbidities: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
n u2013 52-year-old woman in Cartagena. Comorbidities: diabetes
n u2013 54-year-old man in Bogot u00e1. Comorbidities: HTA, obesity
n u2013 89-year-old man in Dagua (Valle). Comorbidities: epoc, coronary heart disease, smoker
n u2013 63-year-old man in Bogot u00e1. Comorbidities: HTA.
n u2013 67-year-old man in Bogot u00e1. No comorbidities.
n u2013 65-year-old woman in Bogot u00e1. Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure.
n u2013 80-year-old woman in Bogot u00e1. Comorbidities: epoc, HTA, obesity.
n u2013 80-year-old man in Leticia, Comorbidities under study.
n u2013 Child of 3 years in Magui (Pay u00e1n) Nari u00f1o. No comorbidities.



n n Trabajadores en Bogotu00e1. n n



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In the last day, 136 people won the battle against the coronavirus. In such a way that u00a0the number of recovered in Colombia is already 2,705. u00a0


In the last 24 hours, 6,484 tests were processed.





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The Colombian Geological Service confirmed that the epicenter of the tremor was in Timbiqu u00ed (Cauca) and its depth of 35 km.


Just six days ago, an earthquake was also registered in the Pacific region of Colombia. Last May 4, a 4.6 magnitude telephone movement with an epicenter in the Pacific Ocean and with a depth of 30 kilometers was recorded.



n n Coronavirus n n



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Amazonas follows red with coronavirus; there are already more than 11,000 cases in Colombia



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At the moment, the authorities do not register victims or impact on infrastructure.


This was the report presented by the Colombian Geological Service



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Dr. Barrag u00e1n was diagnosed with coronavirus and Several days ago he was being treated at the San Ignacio Hospital. However, this Sunday he lost the battle against the disease.


Together with the Subred Centro Oriente team, we express with deep pain the loss of a Outstanding man and professional, whom we will always remember. We accompany your family and those close to you in this painful moment and extend all our solidarity, u00f1 said the Secretary of Health of Bogot u00e1 in a statement.



n n Avianca. n n



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In the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality, 166 of the 4,028 cases of coronavirus in all of Bogota have been confirmed.


This weekend it became known that there are more than almost 700 health workers infected with COVID-19.


Until this Saturday, the Ministry of Health confirmed that 445 Colombians have died since the coronavirus reached the country two months ago.



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In an interview with the program u2018The Network u2019, the model assured that she received hundreds of criticisms for said recording, in which some people captured her father, and suggested that she lived in a street situation.


However, Tavera assured that u00e9l lives in Villavicencio and that she is responsible week by week to cover all her needs, but it is very difficult for her to control everything because she lives in Bogot u00e1.



Before the cameras of the Caracol program, Ana Mar u00eda showed some of the transfer vouchers that she has made to her father, whom she considers to be one more son u20e1 u201d.


As a way to prevent him from passing some kind of need, the model deals with pay her rent, medicine, pay in a restaurant for food, have a grocery account for her basic needs, and have a lady who cleans her house.


Then, Ana Mar u00e3 confessed that her father has an alcohol problem, which she discovered since she was little. and that has never yielded to be treated; however, he ensured he always looked after their well-being.


Here, the full statement of Tavera, who included some photographs along with his father:




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However, this Sunday the Ministry of Health confirmed that the doctor, who worked at the CAPS Chircales in the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality of Bogot u00e1, passed away in the Hospital San Ignacio.


After the sad news was known, people on social networks recalled the emotional moment that was lived on April 30, when the Neighbors from the doctor gave him messages from his apartments when they saw that an ambulance had come to take him to the hospital.



n n Hospital. n n



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Another hero left: he died of a coronavirus doctor who worked in southern Bogot u00e1



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u201cChao, Miguelito u201d, u201cGo back soon u201d, u201cYou are going to recover u201d, u201cAc u00e1 We look forward to it u201d, u201cYou are a winner u201d, u201c Calm, u00e1nimo u201d, u201c God bless you u201d, were some of the messages that were heard from the windows of several residents of the Miguel Barrag u00e1n doctor.


Together with the Subred Centro Oriente team, we express with deep pain the loss of a u00a0excepcional man and professional, whom we will remember forever. u00a0Accompanied your family and close friends in this painful moment and extend all our solidarity, u00f1 u00f3 said the Secretary of Health of Bogot u00e1 in a statement.


This is the video of that emotional moment in which the neighbors of the doctor who died this weekend demonstrated their wishes for him to win the battle against the coronavirus:




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According to Gil, two officials who are working on the project works presented in the last few days symptoms related to the coronavirus, so they had to be isolated together with 78 other employees.


Despite the fact that one of the operators tested negative for the COVID-19, the director of the entity finally decided to suspend the work on two fronts of the crossing of the central mountain range in the sector of the department of Quind u00edo.


u201cWe are committed to preserving life, so we will continue to take appropriate measures and timely report on the evolution of this contingency u201d, Juan Esteban Gil added in the document.



n n Ivu00e1n Duque n n



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[Video] u00a1Let's go for two more weeks! Duque makes the quarantine extension official



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This was one of the few infrastructure works in the country that had resumed work after the government of Iv u00e1n Duque approved the reopening of the construction sector on April 27.


Because of this, the completion of the work and delivery of the La L? uneane tunnel, which were scheduled for the end of this year, will be extended again. It should be remembered that the construction of this project takes more than 12 years.

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El Distrito informu00f3 que el u00fanico sector autorizado para retomar labores en la capital del pau00eds es el de la construcciu00f3n; sin embargo, solo pueden trabajar las obras que hicieron la previa inscripciu00f3n en la pu00e1gina de Internet, en la que certifican bajo juramento que cumplen con todos los protocolos de bioseguridad para evitar la propagaciu00f3n del coronavirus.


La fecha de reactivaciu00f3n para el sector de las manufacturas, por el momento, estu00e1 fijada para el pru00f3ximo lunes 18 y el 25 de mayo, solo si cumplen con las medidas para que sus trabajadores entren y salgan a sus labores en los horarios establecidos por la Alcaldu00eda para prevenir las aglomeraciones en el sistema masivo de transporte pu00fablico.


Los establecimientos de comercio que anunciu00f3 la alcaldesa Claudia Lu00f3pez para retomar labores como las lavanderu00edas (a domicilio) y talleres de mecu00e1nica, solo podru00e1n operar nuevamente, cumpliendo con todos los protocolos, desde el 25 de mayo, de acuerdo con Blu Radio.



n n Claudia Lu00f3pez n n



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u201cVamos a vivir como si tuviu00e9ramos coronavirusu201d: Lu00f3pez anuncia nueva etapa en Bogotu00e1



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u201cTodas las empresas exceptuadas deberu00e1n inscribirse en Despuu00e9s de esto, estu00e1n sujetas a verificaciu00f3n de protocolos de prevenciu00f3n y de inspecciones por parte del Distrito. En llegado caso de estar operando sin cumplir con las medidas, se ordenaru00e1 el cierreu201d, mencionu00f3 la Alcaldu00eda de Bogotu00e1.


Es de recordar que Lu00f3pez anunciu00f3 una nueva etapa de confinamiento, pero por sectores, en Bogotu00e1, teniendo en cuenta que en algunas localidades los casos de COVID-19 estu00e1n disparados; por ejemplo, en Kennedy, la mandataria decretu00f3 la alerta naranja por la enfermedad, por lo que mucho tienen que u201cvivir como si tuvieran coronavirusu201d.

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La aerolu00ednea informu00f3 en un comunicado que esta decisiu00f3n se dio teniendo en cuenta tambiu00e9n los pronu00f3sticos de reducciu00f3n de los ingresos de la industria en todo el mundo en 314.000 mil millones de du00f3lares, de acuerdo con la Asociaciu00f3n de Transporte Au00e9reo Internacional (IATA).


u201cLas operaciones regulares de pasajeros de Avianca han estado en tierra desde mediados de marzo, lo que ha reducido sus ingresos consolidados en mu00e1s de un 80% y ha ejercido una presiu00f3n significativa sobre su liquidezu201d, destacu00f3 la compau00f1u00eda au00e9rea.


Asu00ed las cosas, Avianca Holdings se acogeru00e1 voluntariamente al Capu00edtulo 11 del Cu00f3digo de Bancarrota de los Estados Unidos en el Tribunal de Bancarrota del Distrito Sur de Nueva York con la intenciu00f3n de u201cpreservar las operaciones para continuar sirviendo a los clientes con viajes au00e9reos seguros y confiables, bajo los mu00e1s estrictos protocolos de bioseguridad, a medida que se levantan gradualmente las restricciones de viaje generadas por el COVID-19u201d.


Ademu00e1s, destacu00f3 que busca asegurar la conectividad e impulsar la inversiu00f3n y el turismo al continuar siendo la principal aerolu00ednea de Colombia, prestando servicios a mu00e1s del 50 % del mercado interno en el pau00eds y un servicio esencial sin escalas a travu00e9s de Amu00e9rica del Sur, Amu00e9rica del Norte y los mercados europeos; asu00ed como continuar con las operaciones de carga, desempeu00f1ando un papel clave en la recuperaciu00f3n econu00f3mica de Colombia y los demu00e1s mercados principales de la Compau00f1u00eda despuu00e9s de la pandemia del COVID-19.



u201cLos efectos de la pandemia COVID-19 nos han llevado a enfrentar la crisis mu00e1s desafiante de nuestros 100 au00f1os de historia como compau00f1u00edau201d seu00f1alu00f3 Anko van der Werff, CEO y Presidente de Avianca Holdings, y au00f1adiu00f3 que u201ca pesar de los resultados positivos de nuestro plan u201cAvianca 2021u2033, creemos que, ante la suspensiu00f3n total de nuestra operaciu00f3n de pasajeros y una recuperaciu00f3n que seru00e1 gradual, entrar en este proceso es un paso necesario para hacer frente a nuestros retos financierosu201d.


Destacu00f3 ademu00e1s que con esta decisiu00f3n tambiu00e9n busca preservar los puestos de trabajo en Colombia y otros mercados en los que opera, siendo directamente responsable de mu00e1s de 21.000 empleos directos e indirectos en toda Amu00e9rica Latina, incluyendo mu00e1s de 14.000 en Colombia, y trabajando con mu00e1s de 3.000 proveedores.


u201cVamos a reestructurar el balance y las obligaciones de la empresa para hacer frente a los efectos de la pandemia del COVID-19, asu00ed como gestionar sus responsabilidades, arrendamientos, pedidos de aeronaves y otros compromisosu201d, concluyu00f3.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP896149","titles":{"main":"Niu00f1a de tan solo 3 au00f1os (sin enfermedades previas) muriu00f3 por coronavirus en Nariu00f1o","facebook":"Dios mu00edo. Mucho cuidado con sus niu00f1os.","seo":"Niu00f1a de tres au00f1os que muriu00f3 por coronavirus en Colombia"},"phrases":{"main":"Asu00ed lo confirmu00f3 este domingo en el Ministerio de Salud. Fue una de las 18 personas que fallecieron por la enfermedad en las u00faltimas horas."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/nina-tres-anos-que-murio-por-coronavirus-colombia-PP896149"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"sergio.jacome","name":"Sergio Jacome"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 10, 2020 08:23 pm","updated":1589142192,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Coronavirus","credit":"AFP","description":"Imagen de ilustraciu00f3n","alt":"Coronavirus","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Colombia","coronavirus","Muertes","Nariu00f1o"], "sources":[{"title":"Ministerio de Salud","url":"","source":"Ministerio de Salud","fuente":"Ministerio de Salud"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

La identidad de la niu00f1a no fue revelada, pero la cartera precisu00f3 que ella vivu00eda en el municipio deu00a0Magu00fcu00ed Payu00e1n (Nariu00f1o). In this way, la menor se convirtiu00f3 en una de las 463 personas que hasta este domingo muriu00f3 por el coronavirus en Colombiau00a0desde que esta enfermedad llegu00f3 al pau00eds, hace dos meses.


El Ministerio de Salud destacu00f3 que la niu00f1a no tenu00eda comorbilidades previas, lo que hace mu00e1s extrau00f1a au00fan su muerte.



n n Mu00e9dico que muriu00f3 por coronavirus en Bogotu00e1 n n



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u201cAcu00e1 te esperamosu201d: asu00ed despedu00edan vecinos hace 10 du00edas a mu00e9dico que muriu00f3 por coronavirus



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El mes pasado se conocieron en el pau00eds un par de muertes por coronavirus de niu00f1os reciu00e9n nacidos, pero estos casos no dejan ser muy poco comunes.


Nariu00f1o fue uno de los departamentos que mu00e1s infectados con COVID-19 confirmu00f3 en Colombia durante el u00faltimo du00eda (34). Ese territorio tiene en total 296 casos positivos identificados y es el noveno con mayor nu00famero en todo el pau00eds.


Este domingo, Colombia superu00f3 los 11.000 casos de coronavirus, luego de que se identificaran 568 nuevos en las u00faltimas 24 horas.u00a0136 personas le ganaron la batalla al coronavirus en la pasada jornada, de tal manera queu00a0el nu00famero de recuperados en el pau00eds ya es de 2.705.u00a0



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