This was Daniela Patiño, the young woman murdered by her ex-partner in Antioquia



This Thursday, Antioquia authorities found the lifeless body of Yuly Daniela Patiño Pérez, murdered by her ex-boyfriend on December 26 in the city of Medellín. The body of the young woman was found more than 80 kilometers from where the search began. His body was identified by relatives, due to the tattoos he had.

The place of the discovery was in the waters of the Porce River, in the jurisdiction of the municipality of Gómez Plata, north of Antioquia. According to the municipality’s fire department, it was found at the height of the El Pichón village.

The tragedy began after Patiño’s ex-partner surrendered to the authorities and confessed to the Prosecutor’s Office the crime committed. According to the relatives of the victim, the man claimed to have thrown her into the Medellín river, but committed suicide before giving more details about the whereabouts of the girl’s body.

From that moment fire units and the Metropolitan Police, in coordination with the rescue agencies of Bello, Copacabana and Barbosa, as well as friends and family, began their search.

“We have had access to a camera from here in the neighborhood, outside the Mico bridge, which showed us that he arrived at the bridge at around 3:20 in the morning. AAt the beginning of the bridge he stopped, I don’t know if with the intention of leaving her there. I think so, ”said Alejandra Pérez, the victim’s cousin, in an interview with the local channel Telemedellín.

On Wednesday, December 30, family and friends blocked the Mico bridge, from where Daniela was thrown, asking for the intervention of rescue divers and more resources to help in the search for the young woman..

“Please, all the people who can come to help us, please, I beg of you. We are desperate. We need to find it. Please, we need justice to give us an answer, they have not heard from her for many days, “said Alejandra Pérez in a video shared on social networks.

An apparently remote event, gave the keys to know what had happened to Yuli Daniela: a car collided with a truck on the south highway of the Antioquia capital. What at first was a crash, of the many that occur on that road, became something else, when the authorities began to suspect that the crash could have been caused.

“Later an event occurs where the ex-boyfriend is linked to a traffic accident. As he is part of that preliminary investigation, the Police, along with other people, go to him, and there he states that he had murdered Yuli Daniela and that he had thrown her into the river on the Mico bridge, “said José Acevedo Ossa, secretary of Security and Coexistence of Medellín.

After his confession, and to prevent him from escaping, the 30-year-old man was sent to a hotel that served as a home while his arrest warrant was issued; However, in the early hours of this Wednesday he took his life with a blade, according to the Police.

Due to the death of the alleged femicide, the circumstances in which the young woman was killed and thrown into the river could not be known, nor the reasons for the murder.

Who was Daniela Patiño?

As confirmed by his family, Daniela had finished cosmetology studies, she lived with her parents and a brother in the city of Medellín. In statements to Semana, Laura Pérez, Daniela’s cousin, referred to her as a noble person. “She was always cheerful. She didn’t stay still, she was happy. She was a really good, noble woman … I kept with her, I did everything with her. For me he was an angel ”.

For approximately two and a half years he had a relationship with whoever was his murderer, however, they would have ended their relationship approximately eight months ago, due to the different conflicts, according to his cousin. “Their relationship was very conflictive. He was very jealous, ”she said.

She and her cousin talked a lot. According to Laura Pérez, the last communication between them was at dawn on December 26, through WhatsApp messages. The night before, on December 25, Patiño went to a meeting in which her ex-boyfriend was, apparently they had reconnected days before.

“She came out on the 25th at night. He said he was going to a party. About 1:30 in the morning she sent me an audio singing, happy. I was asleep. I got up at 6:30 in the morning, I replied. She sent me a photo of the two of them, told me that she had fought with him and later left. Then I called her and she didn’t answer me ”, Laura said.

She added that she decided to go look for her at her ex-boyfriend’s house, but she couldn’t find them. According to what the man told him, Daniela had gone out to take a taxi to go home, but she never arrived. Afterwards, the man confessed everything.

Pérez classified what happened as “traumatic” for her and her family. “It’s very sad because of the way everything happened… We had the anguish of not knowing how I was, what had happened. One feels a lot of sadness, but we are calmer to find it ”, he commented.

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