This Monday the lowest daily numbers of infections and deaths were reported since July by covid-19



The Ministry of Health reported 5,147 positive cases and 153 deaths from covid-19 on Monday, the lowest figures recorded in the country in the last two and a half months.

According to statistics, the country did not show such encouraging figures since July 13, before the peak of the pandemic, when the health authorities recorded 3,832 cases and 148 deaths.

With the data of this day, Colombia accumulates 818,203 infected, of which 68,308 are still active (8.35%), while 722,536 people have recovered (88.30%) and 25,641 have died (3.13% ).

The daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health indicated that the highest number of new cases was confirmed in Bogotá, which had 1,303, followed by the departments of Valle del Cauca (556), Antioquia (417), Meta (284), Cundinamarca (217) and Córdoba (200).

There were also 198 positive cases in the San Andrés archipelago, while in Quindío they were confirmed (172), in Huila there were 151, and behind were Tolima (147), Caldas (146), Boyacá (142), Santander (136 ), Casanare (130) and Risaralda (117).

After Bogotá, which has 265,576 cases, the regions that accumulate the most infections are Antioquia (112,886), Atlántico (67,401), Valle del Cauca (61,637), Cundinamarca (33,201), Santander (30,549), Bolívar (28,655) and Córdoba ( 23,891).

Of the 153 deaths, of which 130 occurred in previous days, the Ministry of Health reported that 21 of them correspond to Antioquia, a department followed by Santander and Valle del Cauca (both with 17).

Bogotá, which also tends to lead the daily death figures, today ranked fourth, with 13, ahead of Cesar (11), Huila (10), Cundinamarca and Córdoba (9 each); North of Santander and Tolima (7); Magdalena (5); Atlántico and Risaralda (4); La Guajira, Boyacá, Arauca and Nariño (3); Cauca (2), and Guaviare, Meta, Caquetá, Caldas and Putumayo (one death).

The health authorities processed 31,258 samples in the last 24 hours, 24,867 of them type PCR and 6,391 of antigens, for a total of 3.66 million tests performed.
