This is what is known about the murder of the former in Tuluá


September 17, 2020 – 04:51 pm

Newsroom of El País – Tuluá

With the death of Carlos Alberto Renteria Mantilla, from Tulue, alias ‘Don Beto’, the “Cartel del Norte” of the Valley practically disappeared.

The 75-year-old former drug trafficker was murdered this Wednesday around 9:30 pm inside a house located on Carrera 24 number 34-23 in the traditional Sajonia neighborhood of Tuluá.

Sitting in an armchair and while drinking a bottle of water, the victim was surprised by a gunman who, through a window, fired three shots at him, killing him instantly.

According to the investigations, the criminals used ‘Dum-Dum’ bullets, with which the assassins made sure that the victim would not survive the attack.

According to the Valle police commander, Colonel Jorge Urquijo Sandoval, alias ‘Don Beto’ had arrived in Tuluá three days ago and was in that building visiting some friends.

According to the vanillas found at the crime scene, the attackers used 9-millimeter-caliber automatic weapons.

Renteria Mantilla, who had recently returned to the country after serving a seven-year sentence in the United States, is well remembered in Tuluá because at the time he owned several farms, warehouses, buildings and a prestigious clinic in the city which for several years it was on the Clinton List.

With the murder of the late drug trafficker, the number of violent deaths that have been registered this year in the Tuluá municipality rose to 99, 25% more than in the same period of the previous year.

Precisely, to analyze this situation, this Thursday an extraordinary security council was held where it was determined to reinforce security measures to prevent a resurgence of violence in this municipality in the center of Valle del Cauca.

One of the hypotheses that the authorities handle is that the murder of alias ‘Don Beto’ could be related to the dispute that existed between the former and some front men of his assets.

His record behind bars

Carlos Alberto Renteria Mantilla was captured in 2010 in Venezuela after eluding justice for several years. He was extradited from that country to the United States, when the authorities offered a reward of US $ 5 million for his capture.

At that time he was the most wanted drug lord in the world so tracking him down was very difficult due to the physical changes that were made through surgeries.

In an operation, which had the participation of British intelligence, the authorities found his hiding place in Caracas. His extradition to the United States was made directly from there and was at the disposal of the Court of the District of Columbia, which required it for conspiracy with drug trafficking purposes.

He once paid his sentence in the United States. Alias ​​’Don Beto’ was deported to Colombia and at the Eldorado airport in Bogotá he was captured again by CTI agents for the crime of money laundering, for which he was in La Picota jail for two years.

This ex-drug trafficker is accused of having sponsored the creation of companies, with Raúl Alberto Grajales Lemos, to legalize resources from the shipment of cocaine shipments to the United States.
Grajales Lemos, considered an heir to the Urdinola clan, was sentenced in Colombia to eight years in prison for money laundering.
