This is the first international flight that will leave Colombia in September | Business


Viva Air announced that it will be the first airline in Colombia to make an international commercial flight amid the Covid-19 pandemic on the Medellín – Cartagena – Miami route, on September 19.

(This would be the first city to receive international flights).

After almost six months without operating international flights and after the definitions taken by the National Government, the restart of air operations to fly to other countries is announced.

“As a Colombian airline that ‘does things differently’, we are very happy and proud, not only to fly internationally again to take passengers to their preferred travel destinations, but also to be the first to do so. This is proof of the tireless work we have done over the past few months and our commitment to air inclusion of the country and the region with air transport as an essential public service “
, said Félix Antero, president and CEO of Grupo Viva Air.

In addition, authorization from the Peruvian government is expected to activate its flights to Lima.

“We are not only the first to fly international again, but we are also the first to get approved and certified biosecurity protocols. We have the ‘Certified Check-In’ biosecurity seal and we put our protocols to the test with more than 320 special repatriation flights carried out “Antelo added.

The Minister of Transportation, Angela María Orozco, said that in the next few hours the Ministry of Health will issue the resolution that will define the new guidelines for international passenger flights.

Among the protocols, the presentation of the Covid-19 test to be able to travel stands out, among other provisions.
