This is how the extradition of lawyer Maritza Lorza progresses – Investigative Unit


Scented, impeccably groomed and with several years of experience, the Colombian Maritza Claudia Fernanda Lorza Ramírez moved like a fish in water both in prisons in the United States and in Colombia, looking for clients.

Even the attractive lawyer was preceded by the reputation of having collaborated on successful cases with the DEA and of knowing the American system very well.

(We invite you to read: The 25 bosses who slipped into the Farc lists)

Maritza Claudia Lorza

Maritza Claudia Lorza tried to stop his extradition, even going to the IACHR.

But Lorza is already listed on the next DEA flight to be extradited to the United States for a case that has not advanced in Colombia: the bosses who tried to sneak into the demobilization of the Farc paying juicy sums.

(It may interest you: The two accounts in Turkey and Greece in the name of the Farc)

In January 2017, DEA agents gave EL TIEMPO the first evidence, which triggered the expulsion of several gangsters on the lists endorsed by the Farc. In fact, some tried to insist and have been stopped by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), which continues with the purge.

‘More cases are coming’

But the DEA believes that the issue is more fundamental. “In their country, some believe that it is a legal case of connection between drug trafficking and political crime. For the United States it is a trap ”, assured an agent, who announced more cases.

(In context: The secret trip to Turkey of a link in the ‘Santrich’ case)

In fact, in Lorza’s there are two witnesses against him. For this reason, on May 21, 2019, his preventive detention was requested for extradition purposes, to answer for obstruction of justice, which includes having allegedly asked (along with other people) about a million dollars for these procedures, according to indictment 4: 18CR76 of the Court for the Eastern District of Texas.

(Also: What is behind the summons to a free version of the JEP magistrate?)

Narcos stuck

Tomás Martínez Minota, alias ‘Manaba’ was one of the bosses who tried to pose as a FARC guerrilla.

The lawyer was captured at El Dorado airport and taken to El Buen Pastor prison, from where he requested various evidence to stop his extradition and even went to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

She began by asking the Office of the Peace Commissioner, the JEP, and the Prosecutor’s Office to certify whether she had carried out procedures to pass Juan Carlos Melo Guerrero, alias Aurelio, as guerrillas; Ramiro Figueroa Legarda, alias Rocco; Gerardo Obando Montaño, alias Cheko, and Tomás Martínez Minota, alias Patas.

(Also: Attention: Farc gold was sold for $ 40,630 million pesos)

In addition, he asked that it be investigated if she was in the country when witnesses say that she offered them such benefits. And he even requested the statement of former Minister of Justice Enrique Gil Botero, for him to say if she tried to influence, threaten or pressure him to stop the extraditions of drug lords.


The DEA investigates other lawyers and intermediaries who tried to sneak other drug traffickers into the FARC’s list.


Archive / TIME

Another ‘framework’?

But nothing helped. Not to mention that in Colombia there is no charge of obstruction of justice or the precautionary measures requested before the IACHR on the grounds that the case is a ‘false scheme’ of the DEA.

(In context: JEP magistrate denies that he resigns for having defended Kiko Gómez)

According to Lorza, her right to practice as a lawyer is being violated, since only one of the aforementioned bosses – Tomás Martínez Minota – helped him to try to remove the extradition due to the application of the connection between political crime and drug trafficking .

Reward for 'Iván Márquez'

Of the 14,088 names that Iván Márquez, Mauricio Jaramillo, the ‘Doctor’ and lawyers of the FARC gave, only 11,284 were accredited.

And he requested that it be investigated if there are other people, including officials, investigated in this case. No one answered him.

However, in the United States they seek to reach intermediaries and members of the Farc and even lawyers for ex-combatants who would have certified the alleged membership of that guerilla of bosses in search of benefits, as happened with the paramilitaries.

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