Thieves use fake cars and babies to commit their robberies in Cundinamarca – Bogotá


Surprised, they were in uniform with the Police of the municipality of Briceño, in the department of Cundinamarca, when they answered a call for a theft in a commercial establishment in this town.

(Also: Goodbye to the taxi driver who hit thieves fleeing with $ 80 thousand)

Upon arrival, the agents saw that the criminals had managed to deceive the owners of this establishment with a baby carriage in which, at first glance, they were carrying a child. The little boy’s legs, with red shoes, hung from the car, which was covered, as if to pretend that the baby was sleeping.

“A modality that is being presented in the jurisdiction of Briceño, they use a baby car pretending that they are taking a child inside and effectively commit the theft using the misnamed bionic bag,” as we can see inside it are the stolen elements that are not detected by the security antennas of the shopping center exits ”, commented a uniformed man in a video that was published on social networks.

The authorities alert the population of neighboring municipalities of Bogotá, and also merchants in the capital of the country, so that they are attentive to this situation, and thus avoid being victims of theft. If you see someone with a suspicious attitude, contact the police immediately so they can verify what is happening.

Keep reading:

– ‘My baby was stolen from my house in Bogotá; Have you seen it? ‘

– A good idea badly explained / I go back and forth.

Twitter: @ BogotáET
